
2023-06-28 09:55:49 发布:网友投稿


Clap is a common word in the English language that has multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In this article, we will explore the various meanings of the word clap and provide examples of how it is used in different situations.

Meanings of Clap

1. To applaud: When someone claps, it means they are showing appreciation or approval for something. For example, when a performer finishes a song or a speech, the audience may clap to show their appreciation.

2. To make a sharp sound: Clap can also refer to the sound made when two objects are struck together. For example, you might clap your hands together to get someone’s attention or to signal the start of a race.

3. To hit: Clap can also be used as a verb to describe hitting something or someone. For example, you might clap a mosquito that is buzzing around your head.

4. To contract an illness: Clap is also a slang term for gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection.

Idioms with Clap

5. Clap eyes on: This means to see something or someone for the first time. For example, “I clapped eyes on my new car this morning and it looked fantastic.”

6. Claptrap: This refers to meaningless or insincere talk. For example, “I’m tired of listening to his claptrap about how great he is.”

7. Thunderous applause: This is a phrase used to describe a very enthusiastic round of applause. For example, “The audience gave the performer a thunderous applause after his amazing performance.”


Clap is a versatile word in the English language that can be used in a variety of ways. From showing appreciation to hitting something, to contracting an illness, clap has many meanings. Additionally, there are several idioms that use the word clap, such as clap eyes on, claptrap, and thunderous applause. Understanding the different meanings of clap can help you better understand English language and communicate more effectively.
