
2022-10-01 05:13:55 发布:网友投稿



这项发表在《分子生物学》上的研讨 发明,隔日禁食热量限制饮食是增进小鼠Klotho基因表达的有效手腕。Klotho,通常被称为“长寿基因”,现在在这项研讨中已被证明在海马成人出身的新神经元或神经产生的发生中起着核心作用。


研讨人员将雌性小鼠分成三组;对比组接收每日喂食的尺度饮食、每日卡路里限制 (CR) 饮食和间歇性禁食 (IF),其中小鼠每隔一天喂一次。后两组摄入的卡路里比对比组少 10%。

在三个月的进程中,与其他组相比,IF组的小鼠表示出改良的长期记忆坚持力。当对这些小鼠的大脑进行研讨时,很显著 Klotho 基因被上调,与那些接收 CR 饮食的小鼠相比,神经产生增长。

“我们现在对间歇性禁食是增长成人神经产生的有效手腕的原因有了更深刻的懂得。我们的成果表明 Klotho 不仅是必须的,而且在成人神经产生中起着核心作用,并表明 IF 是改良人类长期记忆保存的有效手腕。” King's IoPPN 的 Sandrine Thuret 博士说。

Thuret 博士之前的工作表明,人类限制卡路里的饮食可以改良记忆功效。该研讨表明,IF 可以加强学习进程,并可能影响与年纪相干的认知障碍。


来自 King&资源网#39;s IoPPN 的 Gisele Pereira Dia资源网s 博士说:“在证明 IF 是一种比其他卡路里掌握饮食更有效的改良长期记忆的办法时,我们给了自己一个很好的前进方法。通过将总卡路里摄入量下降 10% 来看到如此显着的改良,这表明有很大的愿望。”



Intermittent fasting enhances long-term memory consolidation, adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and expression of longevity gene Klotho


Daily calorie restriction (CR) and intermittent fasting (IF) enhance longevity and cognition but the effects and mechanisms that differentiate these two paradigms are unknown.

We examined whether IF in the form of every-other-day feeding enhances cognition and adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) when compared to a matched 10% daily CR intake and ad libitum conditions.

After 3 months under IF, female C57BL6 mice exhibited improved long-term memory retention. IF increased the number of BrdU-labeled cells and neuroblasts in the hippocampus, and microarray analysis revealed that the longevity gene Klotho (Kl) was upregulated in the hippocampus by IF only.

Furthermore, we found that downregulating Kl in human hippocampal progenitor cells led to decreased neurogenesis, whereas Kl overexpression increased neurogenesis. Finally, histological analysis of Kl knockout mice brains revealed that Kl is required for AHN, particularly in the dorsal hippocampus.

These data suggest that IF is superior to 10% CR in enhancing memory and identifies Kl as a novel candidate molecule that regulates the effects of IF on cognition likely via AHN enhancement.

Source: King’s College London
Contact: Sandrine Thuret – King’s College London
Im资源网age: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Open access.
“Intermittent fasting enhances long-term memory consolidation, adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and expression of longevity gene Klotho” by Gisele Pereira Dias, Tytus Murphy, Doris Stangl, Selda Ahmet, Benjamin Morisse, Alina Nix, Lindsey J. Aimone, James B. Aimone, Makoto Kuro-O, Fred H. Gage, Sandrine Thuret. Molecular Biology
