
2023-02-13 00:07:28 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

英语对话的练习,可以根据个人或团体的整体水平来决定英语对话的时间长短。 下面是我给大家整理的5分钟英语对话 范文 ,供大家参阅!


Glen: Christopher, please hurry up or we won't get to the arena on time. Come on.

We have to pick up Dashan and Yunbo on the way.

格伦:克里斯托弗, 请你抓紧时间,不然我们就不能准时到达冰球场了。 快点啊。 我们半路上还要接大山和云波呢。

Christopher: I'll be down in a minute. I'm going to get my hockey pants on.

克里斯托弗:我马上就下去。 我正要穿冰球裤。

Glen: Need any help?


Christopher: No, thanks. I can manage.


Glen: Okay, I'll wait for you in the van.


Christopher: Dad, will you take my hockey bag out to the van for me?


Glen: Sure. But I need you to bring your hockey stick.


Glen: Did you say“Goodbye” to your mother?


Christopher: Yes. She wants you to pick up a newspaper on the way home.


Glen: Room 123, please. Hello, Dashan. I'm afraid we are going to be a bit late.

We'll pick you and Yunbo up in front of the hotel in about ten minutes. Oh, will you

tell Rumei to meet Kathy in the hotel lobby at 10:30? Okay. Bye. So, Pal, are you

excited about the hockey game?

格伦:请转123房间。 喂,你好,大山。 恐怕我们有些迟了。 大约十分钟后我们

到旅馆门前接你们。 还有,请你叫如梅在十点半钟到旅馆前厅等凯西。 好的,再见。 嘿,朋友,你为冰球比赛感到很激动吗?

Christopher: Yeah. It's our last game of the season. I hope we'll win it.

克里斯托弗:是的,这次是我们队在这个赛季的最后一场比赛了。 我希望我们能打赢。

Glen: I hope that you'll have fun and play safely.


Christopher: All right, Dad. But I still hope we'll win.

克里斯托弗:好的,爸爸。 不过我还是想我们能打赢。

Glen: Hi, everybody. Hop in. Welcome to the world of kids hockey.

格伦:你们好。 上车吧。 欢迎来到 儿童 冰球世界。

Dashan: Hey, Christopher. Thanks for inviting us to your hockey game. This is Yunbo's first

hockey game, you know.

大山:克里斯托弗,你好。 谢谢你邀请我们去看你们的冰球比赛。 你知道,这是云波


Yunbo: Yes. Will you tell me about the game?


Christopher: Well, I play forward. I get the most chances to score goals. I shoot the puck into

the goalie's net. The team with the most points wins.

克里斯托弗:嗯,我是打前锋的。 我进球得分的机会最多。 我将冰球射入守门员的球门,


Yunbo: Is a puck like a ball?


Christopher: Yeah. Sort of. It's flat and slides on the ice. I move it around with my hockey stick.

克里斯托弗:像,有点儿像。 冰球是扁圆的,在冰上能滑动。 我用球杆掌握冰球的运动方向。

Yunbo: Oh, I see.


Christopher: Our team isn't playing very well this season, but we're playing better than last year.


Glen: I think so, too.


Dashan: Christopher, who's your favourite hockey player?


Christopher: Well, Dad's a big fan of Wayne Gretzky. Mom and I gave him a number 99 shirt for his birthday. But, I like Doug Gilmour better than Gretzky.

克里斯托弗:这个么,我爸爸最喜欢Wayne Gretzky。 我和妈妈还送给爸爸一件99号T恤衫作生日礼物呢。 可是Gilmour 和Gretzky 比起来,我更喜欢Gilmour。

Dashan: Doesn't Gilmour play for the Toronto Maple Leafs?

大山:Gilmour 效力于多伦多红叶队,是吧?

Christopher: He played for the Toronto Maple Leafs, he was traded. But I still collect his hockey cards.

克里斯托弗:是,他以前曾效力于多伦多红叶队,后来他转队了, 我收集与他有关的明信片。

Glen: Here we are at the arena. And we made it on time!


Christopher: Oh, there's Jeanette. She's our goalie. Hi, Jeanette.

克里斯托弗:珍妮特在那儿,她是我们的守门员。 你好,珍妮特。

Yunbo: So girls play on your team. That's interesting.

云波:这么说,队员里还有女孩呢。 真有意思。

Christopher: Yes, we have three girls on our team: the goalie, a forward and a defenseman.

克里斯托弗:对,我们队员里有三个女孩: 一个是守门员,一个是前锋,还有一个是防守队员。

Dashan: Do the girls on the team play as aggressively as the boys?


Glen: Sure. Sometimes they play more aggressively. In my opinion, the girls skate better than some of the boys.

格伦:当然啦。 有时他们比男孩还更有攻击性呢。 依我看,有些女孩比男孩滑冰滑得更好一些。

Christopher: Well, maybe. Dashan, will you please pass me my hockey bag?

克里斯托弗:嗯,也许吧。 大山,请把我的冰球袋给我,好吗?

Dashan: Sure. Here you go.


Christopher: Thanks. Dad, I'll meet you in the dressing room.

克里斯托弗:谢谢你。 爸爸,我们在更衣室见。

Glen: Okay. I'll park the van. I won't be too long.

格伦:好的,我去停车。 一会儿就回来。

Yunbo: Bye, Christopher. Good luck!


Dashan: Have fun. We'll cheer for you.


Christopher:Bye, everybody.



Receptionist: Good morning, Capital Electronics.

接线员:您好。 这里是首都电子公司。

Dashan: Hello, I'd like to speak to Glen Parker, please.


Receptionist: Mr Parker's line is busy at the moment. Would you like to hold?


Dashan: No, thanks. Could I leave him a message?


Receptionist: Certainly.


Dashan: Would you ask him to call Dashan at 234-2111, Room 123?


Receptionist: Oh, just a moment. Mr. Parker's line is free now. I can connect you.


Glen: Glen Parker speaking.


Dashan: Hi, Glen. It's Dashan.


Glen: Hi, Dashan. What a surprise. Where are you calling from?

格伦:大山,你好。 真没料到是你。 你这是从什么地方打来的电话?

Dashan: I'm calling from downtown Ottawa.


Glen: Really? What are you doing here?


Dashan: I'm travelling across Canada with two friends from China.


Glen: Fantastic. How long are you staying in Ottawa?


Dashan: Just a few days. How are Kathy and little Christopher doing?

大山:只呆几天。 凯西和小克里斯托弗一切都好吗?

Glen: They're doing really well. Little Christopher? He turned ten a week ago. He's studying French now.

格伦:他们一切都好。 你说小克里斯托弗吗?他一个星期前就已经10周岁。 现在正在学法语。

Dashan: Time flies, doesn't it?


Glen: It sure does. Listen, Dashan, I have to go now, but I'd love to show you my company. Would you and your friends like a tour?

格伦:真是太快了。 大山,我得去办事了,但是我很愿意领你参观一下我的公司,你和你的朋友愿意来看看吗?

Dashan: Hold on. I can ask. We have an invitation. Do you want to visit my friend's software company? He wants to give us a tour.

大山:等等,我问问他们。 有人邀请我们。 你们愿意到我的朋友的软件公司去参观吗?他邀请我们去参观。

Yunbo: Yes. Of course. I'd love to see a Canadian business.


Rumei: Me, too.


Dashan: Glen, we'd like to. Thanks for the invitation. When should we come?

大山:格伦,我们愿意来,谢谢你的邀请。 我们什么时候去合适呢?

Glen: How about tomorrow morning at 10? I can give you a tour and then we can have lunch together. There's a terrific Italian restaurant in the building.

格伦:明天上午10点,怎么样?我先领你们参观,然后我们一起吃午饭。 我们楼里有一家很不错的意大利餐馆。

Dashan: Great. We're looking forward to it. See you tomorrow.

大山:太好了,我们期待着参观你们公司。 明天见。

Glen: So long.


Dashan: We're on for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.


Yunbo: Super. Dashan, How do you know Glen?


Dashan: Oh, Glen and I are old friends. We went to university together.

大山:是这样,格伦和我是老朋友。 我们是大学同学。

5分钟英语对话范文:GO TO A CLINIC

Rumei: Hi, Dashan. It's Rumei.

如梅:大山,你好。 我是如梅。

Dashan: Oh, hi, Rumei.

大山:噢,如梅,是你。 你好。

Rumei: Yunbo and I want to eat breakfast at that pancake restaurant down the street. Would you like to come?

如梅:云波和我要去街口的煎饼店去吃早点。 你愿意一起去吗?

Dashan: Oh, I'd like to, but maybe another time.


Rumei: What's the matter?


Dashan: I don't feel very well.


Rumei: Oh, that's too bad, Dashan.


Dashan: Yeah. I felt terrible last night. I had a fever and a bad headache.

大山:是啊。 昨天夜间我特别不好受。 我发烧了,头疼得厉害。

Rumei: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Did you sleep?

如梅:知道你病了,我很不安。 你夜间睡着了吗?

Dashan: No, I didn't. Not really. I woke up at midnight and I didn't sleep after that. I felt very warm.

大山:没有,没真睡着。 半夜醒来之后就再也没睡,觉得(浑身)发热。

Rumei: Maybe you should see a doctor.


Dashan: Oh, I'm all right. I need to sleep. That's all.

大山:我想没什么事。 我需要睡会儿觉,就会好了。

Rumei: Dashan, I think you should see a doctor.


Dashan: Maybe you're right. I want to be healthy for our trip.

大山:也许你是对的。 旅途中我不能病倒。

Rumei: Do you know any doctors here?


Dashan: No, I don't. But yesterday I saw a walk-in medical clinic down the street from the hotel. I can go there.

大山:没有,不过昨天我在酒店这条街上看见了一家免约诊所。 我可以去那里看看病。

Rumei: What's a walk-in medical clinic?


Dashan: A walk-in clinic is a doctor's office. A sick person can walk into the clinic and see a doctor. You don't need to have an appointment.


Rumei: Can I go with you? Maybe I can help you.


Dashan: No, thanks, Rumei. I'm okay. But thanks for your concern.

大山:不用了,谢谢你。 我没事。 谢谢你的关心。

Rumei: Oh, you're welcome, Dashan. Talk to you soon.

如梅:你别客气,大山。 我们一会儿见。

Dashan: Hello. My name is Dashan. I need to see a doctor.

大山:您好。 我是大山。 我要看大夫。

Receptionist: Is this your first visit to our clinic?


Dashan: Yes, it is. I'm from out of town.

大山:是的。 我不是本地人。

Receptionist: Do you have Ontario Health Insurance?

接待员:你有安大略省医疗 保险 吗?

Dashan: Yes, I do.


Receptionist: Please take a seat and fill out this information sheet. Did you bring your Health Insurance card?

接待员:请坐下,填好这张登记表。 你带着你的医疗保险卡吗?

Dashan: Yes, I did. I brought it. Here it is.

大山:带着呢。 在这儿。
