
2023-01-29 08:03:05 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

2022年,根据联合国提供的全球最新排名,中国已经成为仅次于美国的军事、科技、经济大国。 经过三十年的改革开放,我国已经成为了全球公认的第二大经济体,在世界舞台上占据举足轻重的位置。 中国文化、中华美食享誉全世界,深受各国人民的欢迎。 在科研方面,我国的成就更是令世人惊叹,核聚变、新能源、航天航空,这些高精尖领域全部实现了弯道超车,有专家预测,按照现有的增长速度,未来中国超越美国将指日可待。

但令人遗憾的是,面对中国的成就,总有人选择视而不见。 近日,在外国知乎Quora上,有一位美国网友居然叫嚣道:中国真的强大吗,为什么我看不到一丝影响力?”此言一出,立即引来了500多个跟帖,面对这个“掩耳盗铃”的家伙,各国网友给出了令人信服的理由。 今天,就让我们来看一看外国网友的回答。

This is China’s powerful influence in your life—the“Made in China”label is probably on 90% of the things you own in your home. That means that those products were actually constructed and then assembled in China. And if it says “Made in Japan,”“Made in Korea,” or “Made in Germany,” you can bet that 50% to 90% of the components inside these machines, like cars, have been made in China but assembled in the aforementioned countries.

我劝你睁开眼好好看一看,中国影响在我们的生活中无处不在——“中国制造”的标签可能贴在你家中 90% 的物品上。 这意味着这些产品实际上是在中国制造然后组装的。 虽然有些产品上写着“日本制造”、“韩国制造”或“德国制造”,但实际上这些机器(如汽车)内部的 50% 到 90% 的组件是在中国制造的,只不过在上述国家组装而已。

Then we can’t forget about food—as an American, you’ve probably eaten Chinese takeout food at least once this past month. So that’s China’s culinary influence in your life.


As a foreign policy writer, I can feel China’s influence more than anyone else.In five decades, China has enjoyed an economic miracle. China’s leaders decided nearly 50 years ago to rebuild the glory China enjoyed as a powerful nation prior to being defeated and weakened by outsiders from Russia, Japan, Britain, and the US. Since the 1970’s China has generated incredible economic growth producing massive financial wealth, while modernizing the nation’s cities, transportation infrastructure, and most importantly, its industrial and technology base.

作为一名外交政策作家,我比任何人都能感受到中国的影响力。 近年来,中国创造了经济奇迹。 自 1970 年代开始,中国便实现了令人难以置信的经济增长,产生了大量的金融财富,同时实现了国家城市、交通基础设施以及重要的工业和技术基础现代化。

Today, China leads the world as its leading manufacturer and exporter. The economic wealth produced by China’s double-digit annual growth has raised the largest number of people into middle class financial security of any nation on earth.

今天,中国作为领先的制造商和出口商引领世界。 这个国家以每年两位数的经济速度快速增长着,老百姓也过上了幸福富裕的生活。

China’sBelt and Road Initiative, and other economic loan, aide and trade programs have spread China’s influence to an ever-increasing list of nations, including Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Greece, Italy, Venezuela, Mexico, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Iran, and Peru.


As a professional,let’s examine eight dimensions of China’s global scale and integration.


First, trade.China has, without a doubt, become a major global player in trade, but its share of the global services industry is quite modest.

第一 贸易。 毫无疑问,中国已成为全球贸易的主要参与者,但其在全球服务业的份额还需进一步提升。

Second, enterprises.Of the Fortune Global 500 companies, over 120 were from China.

第二 企业。 世界 500 强企业中,有 120 多家来自中国。

Third, capital.Although China has the world’s largest banks with assets that exceed those of the United States by two or three times,It can cope with various potential financial risks.Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is a large listed bank with the largest market capitalization, the largest profits, the largest customer deposits and the highest brand value in the world

第三 资本。 中国拥有资产规模超过美国两三倍的全球最大银行,可以应对各种潜在的金融风险,中国工商银行是目前全球市值最大、盈利最多、客户存款最多和品牌价值最高的大型上市银行。

Fourth, people.Chinese students studying abroad accounts for about 17% of global overseas students, Distributed around the world, learning advanced culture and technology,.In the future, with the development of global science and technology, these talents will bring unexpected wealth to China.

第四 人。 中国留学人员约占全球海外学生的17%,分布在世界各国,学习先进的文化技术,未来,这些人才会为中国带来意想不到的财富。

Fifth, technology.China ranks second in R&D spending but is still a significant importer of technology.

第五 技术。 中国在研发支出方面排名第二,但仍是重要的技术进口国。

Sixth, data and intellectual property.China imports around US$26 billion of IP, and trade will continue to grow. China is home to the world’s largest population of internet users, with more than 900 million people connected to the web. That indicates big potential for cross-border trade.

第六,数据和知识产权。 中国进口知识产权约260亿美元,贸易将继续增长。 中国拥有世界上最多的互联网用户,有超过 9 亿人连接到网络。 这表明跨境贸易的潜力巨大。

Seventh, environmental impact.China is the world’s largest investor in renewable energy.The Chinese government attaches great importance to the renewable use of resources, protecting the environment and saving energy. All new energy technologies have taken the lead in the world.

第七,环境影响。 中国是全球最大的可再生能源投资国,中国政府非常重视资源的再生利用,保护环境,节约能源,各项新能源技术已经走在世界前列。

Eighth, culture.China has invested heavily in building a global cultural presence, such as its flagshipConfucius Instituteswhich have been established around the world.Through learning, the Confucian culture will be spread to all parts of the world, so that everyone can appreciate the cultural charm from the East.

第八,文化。 中国投入巨资建立全球文化影响力,例如在世界各地建立孔子学院。 通过学习,将儒家文化传播至世界各地,让所有人领略来自东方的文化魅力。

In a word,China‘s future is limitless. According to the current development speed, its influence will become greater and greater, and China will become a top power similar to the United States.


From this question I can picture that you’ve been living under a rock. Haven’t you see that just about all the products you used daily have “Made In China” labels? Do you use a iPhone or a Mac? No, then your Windows machine that you used to post this question was made in China.

你这个问题,让我感觉你活在石器时代。 难道你没发现生活中几乎所有产品都有“中国制造”的标签吗?你使用苹果手机还是平板电脑?那上面的大多数零件都是中国产的。 就连你发文的电脑也大都是中国制造。 除了以上电子产品,

Besides consumer goods, have you wonder how fusion cooking got started? I have a friend whose son works in a top New American restaurant in NYC. Many of the dishes used soy sauce, hoisin sauce, sesame oil, and or rice vinegar. Most of the chefs, including him, prefers to use woks rather than skillets for sautéing, because it’s quicker and food doesn’t spill out while tossing. So, unless you don’t get out much and just eat meatloaf all the time, then you will not see Chinese influence in our society.

你知道我们喜爱的美食也是中国的吗?我有一个朋友,他的儿子在纽约一家顶级的新美式餐厅工作。 许多菜肴使用酱油、海鲜酱、芝麻油或米醋。 大多数厨师,包括他在内,更喜欢用炒锅而不是平底锅去做饭,因为这样更快,而且在翻炒时食物不会溢出。 而这些都是中国带给我们的。

This is mainly due to untrue propaganda and double-standard reports in mainstream US media. Reports on China are all negative news about human rights, all cottage products and the so-called “new colonialism” expansion in Africa. And selectively ignore the greed of American capitalists and the insatiable greed of Wall Street.

这主要是由于美国主流媒体的不实宣传和“双标”报道导致的。 在美国,关于中国的新闻大都是负面的,一些媒体故意将中国制造诋毁为山寨品,质量差价格低廉,说到底,这不过是美国资本家的贪婪和目光短浅造成的,华尔街的那群大亨们生怕中国超越他们。

Let’s see where China is having a lot of influence. Finance, either trading, investing, IBD you will have to deal with Chinese companies. Tech industry, you can’t miss out on so many Chinese programmers and the booming startup scene in China. Academics, in virtually all areas of academics there are Chinese influence. In energy, Sinopec and National Petroleum are some of the largest oil companies, not to mention being one of the leaders in renewable energy. The list goes on. The only way you are not seeing Chinese influence is if you are not at a place where things are happening.

睁开你的眼睛去瞧一瞧,中国在各方面都有着巨大的影响力。 金融、贸易、投资、IBD,不管是哪项领域,你都必须与中国公司打交道。 当今的科技行业,中国程序员已经成为业内的顶尖人才,有着蓬勃的未来。 在学术界,几乎所有的成就都受到中国的影响。 在能源方面,中国的新能源技术更是领先全球,实现了弯道超车。 以上种种还在继续,中国有着无法估量的未来。 你看不到中国的影响是因为你不愿面对现实。




据联合国出具的调查,全国人均GDP仅为484美元,一个月收入还不到300块人民币。 因为工业基础薄弱,科技落后,这里的人民只能生活在水深火热之中。




不仅如此,为了让莫桑比克过上现代化生活,享受高速的出行工具。 中国还把先进的建造技术带到了这里。 历史上,由于莫桑比克环境复杂,自然条件苛刻,大型桥梁项目往往被发达国家垄断,因为拿不出钱,老百姓只能被迫忍受恶劣的交通环境。

2012年,为了彻底改变这种落后的局面,中国企业经过商讨,拿下了马普托·卡腾贝大桥工程项目,该项目由中方银行负责融资,投资额高达7.8亿美金。 在施工期间,中国建设者们头顶烈日,脚踩河滩,用大无畏的奉献精神实现了这一工程奇迹,2017年,马普托·卡腾贝大桥顺利合龙,自此莫桑比克人民终于告别了苦难的交通。

2013-2015年,一场大水袭击了莫桑比克的中部地区,洪水肆虐下,无数房屋被毁,老百姓流离失所无家可归。 为了帮助莫桑比克重建,我国第一时间提供了价值70万美元的救灾物资。


