
2022-12-07 10:06:27 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

编写教案的繁简,一般是有经验的教师写得简略些,而新教师写得详细些。 原定教案,在上课进程中可根据具体情况做适当的必要的调整,课后随时记录教学效果,进行简要的自我分析,有助于积累教学经验,不断提高教学质量。 以下是小编带来的六年级英语下册教案设计内容,感谢您的阅读,希望能帮助到您!


教学目的 (一) 语言目标 1. 词汇: (1) 能听懂、会说、认读新单词together, ride, grandparent。 (2) 能用词组family outing, do things together, watch a movie, go shopping, take/ have a walk, look at the flowers等造句。 2. 句型: (1) 能用“What are we going to do?”询问他人活动计划。 (2) 能用“We’ll... I will...”对该询问进行回答。 (二) 应用目标 1. 能谈论将要进行的活动。 2. 能听懂、会说Part A部分的对话。 3. 能听懂、会说、会读Part B部分的词组。 重点 (1) 能听懂、会说、认读新单词together, ride, grandparent。 (2) 能用词组family outing, do things together, watch a movie, go shopping, take/have a walk, look at the flowers等造句。 (3) 能用“What are we going to do?”询问他人活动计划。 (4) 能用“We’ll... I will...”对该询问进行回答。 难点 (1) 运用B部分的词组造句。 (2) movie的发音。 o发/u:/音; /v/的发音,要引导学生观察嘴形,仔细模仿。 教学准备 用于复习的单词卡片,教学音频,半开卡纸若干


Lesson 30

一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:

(一)1. Four skills: ninth, September, October, November, December.

2. Three skills: September is the ninth month of the year.

3. Let's make.

分组制作圣诞卡片,然后模拟圣诞节情景互相赠送卡片祝福。 通过有情景的语言实践活动,锻炼学生的动手能力,提升他们的语言运用能力。

4. Let's read and chant.

(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To teach the Ss how to say the ninth month to last month of the year.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

1. Words: ninth, September, October, November, December.

2. Sentence: September is the ninth month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Communication Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Reading and writing.

4. TPR.

五.Teaching aids:





六.Lesson type: New Lesson

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (5 ’)

1. 学生展示自己小组制作的日历。

2. Review the song: Wish You a Merry Christmas.

2. Presentation (20 ’)

1)Go over the words: 1~8月的拼写.

2)教师提问:How many month names have we learnt? Yes, we have learnt eight.They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, and August.Today we are going to learn the last four months of the year.

3)展示教学卡片:This is the ninth month of the year.It's September.领学生读单词,然后读句子:September is the ninth month of the year.


5)Play games:

1. T: Now,close your books and your eyes.Can you remember their names? Just try! 让学生自由说月份名称。

2. 出示9—12月的第一个英语字母,让学生猜是哪一个月份。

3. 老师说中文时,让学生说出英语,老师说英语时,让学生说中文,反复练习几次。

6)教师准备放录音:Don't worry.Let's listen to the tapes.Listen carefully and try to remember the names of the last four months of the year.

7)Listen to the tape and repeat.

8)Just write.

3. Practice (10 ’)

1)组织学生完成课本第56页的制作活动。 可以分为3~4人一组,按照课本中提示的步骤制作。 制作完成后,拿着卡片自由会话,除了使用新学的内容,鼓励学生联想使用以前学过的内容。

2)Let's read and chant.

4. Assessment

Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework (5 ’)

1)Finish the activity book.



八. Blackboard design:

九. Back counting:


一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:

(一) Fun story

以有趣的故事形式,通过Mimi, Micky的故事,综合再现本单元的核心学习内容,让学生在新的语境中再次强化所学内容,让学生体会到语言学习的乐趣,提高学习自信心,促成语言知识向言语技能的转化。

(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.

3. To develop Ss’ ability of communication.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

1. The ability of Ss’ speaking and reading.

2. Ss can use them in the daily life.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Situational Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Listening and reading.

4. TPR.

五.Teaching aids:


2.准备Mimi, Micky两个动物的头饰。

六.Lesson type: 复习课/巩固课

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (10’)

1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.

2)Review the words and sentences about this unit.

2. Presentation (10 ’)

1)教师把挂图上的日历用纸片挡住,把挂图展示在黑板上。 首先让学生猜时间,每次猜一幅图。

What month is this? 提醒学生根据图画的背景来猜。 如果有学生猜对,教师就及时表扬,同时把遮挡的小纸片拿下来。 It's .... You are a clever boy / girl! How do you know it? 让学生说出理由。

2)猜测完时间后,教师接着问学生:What is Mimi doing in this picture? What is Micky doing in this picture? 每幅小图都问同样的问题,最后引导学生得出结论:Mimi likes reading. She reads many books. Micky likes playing. He never reads books.

3)教师准备放录音:There is an interesting story about Mimi and Micky.Do you want to know it? Let's listen! 放录音让学生听。

4)找一个学生来说说故事的大概内容。 教师给以鼓励。

5)Listen to the tape and repeat.

3. Practice (15 ’)

1)让学生三人一组,一人做解说,分角色练习。 最后戴上面具到前面表演,1—2组。 师生共同评价。

2)Play games.

1.组词大赛:教师为学生提供本课单词所涉及到的字母,然后让学生在限定时间内开展组词大赛,组词最多者获胜。 字母可以重复使用,但是不可以用没有提供的字母。



4. Assessment

1.在分角色扮演Fun story 时,适时给予奖励。

2. Finish the activity book about the lesson.

3. 进行第五单元测试后,给予评价。

5. Additional activities/Homework (5 ’)

1)Finish the activity book.



八. Blackboard design:

九. Back counting:

Uint 6 Winter is the white season.


一、教学内容:A Let’s try Let’s talk C Let’s wrap it up 第一课时 二、教学目标: 1.能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话。 2.能用正确的语音语调朗读课文并进行角色表演。 3. 能在情境中运用句型“Where is the ...? ”问路,帮助学生学会运用词组“near, next to, behind”等表述方位。 达到简单的交际。 三、教学重难点: 重点:能理解对话,并用正确的语音语调朗读对话。 难点:能在情境中运用句型“Where is the ...? It’s near/next to/behind…”问路,指路,帮助学生学会运用词组“near, next to, behind”等表述方位。 达到简单的交际。 四、教学方法:情境创设法、游戏教学法、合作探究法 五、教学过程: 1. Warm---up (热身及预习展示) 师生自由问答: T: Hello, nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you,too! T: What's the weather like today? Ss: It's sunny! T:Good!What's this in English? Ss:A book. T:Yes,It's my book.Where can we buy the book? Ss: The bookstore. 2. Presentation and practice(精讲点拨) (1)教师在黑板上画一座房子和一个机器人,指着机器人说:Who’s that? 学生回答:It’s Robin. 再指着房子说:Where can we find Robin? 学生回答:In the museum. 教师出示感叹句:What a great museum! (2)教师出示一张明信片,说:"It’s a post card.Robin want to sent a post card.Where should he go?” 引出单词post office. (3)教师出示一张地图,问学生:“Where is the post office?”出示单词:next to, near, behind. 教师利用三个例句结合图片理解next to, near, behind. (4)在学生理解三个方位介词后,小组活动,利用方位介词描述途中各个场馆的位置。 (5)Let’s try 教师让学生阅读听力题目,然后听录音独立完成内容。 (6)教师出示对话内容,请学生听录音,回答问题,然后朗读对话。 (7)学生进行操练,先同桌互练,再在全班表演. 3. Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸) (1)教师出示兰州市的地图,请学生根据地图来描述位置。 (2)Let’s wrap it up 根据学生的描述,请学生说一说我们都学过那些方位介词。 教师帮助学生总结。 然后以小组为单位造句。 4. Summary(总结) 5. 板书设计 Unit 1 How can I get there? Where is the ...? It’s next t


Lesson 27

一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:


(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

(一) 学习如何用英语说出5—8月。

(二)May is the fifth month of the year.

June is the sixth month of the year.

July is the seventh month of the year.

August is the eighth month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Situational Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Listening and reading.

五.Teaching aids:





六.Lesson type: New Lesson

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (3’)

1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.

2)Review the words and sentences about January, February, March, April.

2. Presentation (17 ’)

1)教师先让学生展示自己做的日历卡片,让学生们互相看一看,读一读。 然后展示自己的几张卡片(5~8月),为大家一一介绍,引导学习本课的单词和句子。

2)Talk about mouth. 请学生说出有关5~8月的相关信息,比如节日等,引导学生探究学习,并给予学生及时的鼓励。

3)Look, listen and read by themselves.


2.T:Do you know what months they are talking about? Please read by yourselves and find the names of the months.

4)Listen to the tape again and repeat.

5)用同样的方法学习后面的三段话。 借助图片、简笔画和手势动作帮助学生理解文中生词的意思,必要的地方可以用汉语适当解释。

3. Practice (15 ’)

1)Ask and answer. Practise in pairs.

Which is the fifth month of the year?

What holiday is in May?

Which is the sixth month of the year?

What holiday is in June?

Which is the seventh month of the year?

What holiday is in July?

Which is the eighth month of the year?

What holiday is in August?

2)Play a game.

猜月份游戏。 学生四人一组,每个小组发一张白纸,要求每组裁成四小张,每张写上5—8月的英文,然后把反面扣在桌上,学生一个一个来猜,每个学生猜一张,先说英语单词,再翻开卡片,看到单词再说一个句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.猜对并句子说对的学生赢的卡片,谁卡片多,谁是冠军。

3)小组讨论。 说说自己喜爱的月份和节日,和老师、同学互相展示自己喜欢的月份或节日的照片和图片,并能用2—3句英语进行描述。

4. Assessment (5 ’)

1. 小组讨论完毕,每组派一个同学上讲台总结汇报自己小组最喜欢的月份和节日,教师适当给予奖励。

2. Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework

1)Finish the activity book. ww w.Xk b1.c oM


八. Blackboard design:


Lesson 29

一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:


(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

(一) 学习如何用英语说出9—12月。

(二)September is the ninth month of the year.

October is the tenth month of the year.

November is the eleventh month of the year.

December is the twelfth and last month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Situational Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Listening and reading.

五.Teaching aids:




六.Lesson type: New Lesson

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (5 ’)

1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.

2)Review the words and sentences about May, June, July, August, year.

2. Presentation (20 ’)

1)True or False. 正确的句子要求学生重复一遍,错误的句子让学生改正。

T: January is the first month of the year.

Ss: January is the first month of the year.

T: March is the second month of the year.

Ss: February is the second month of the year.

Ss: March is the third month of the year.


T: September is the ninth month of the year.

S: .... ?

T: Oh, sorry.You have not learnt it.Now look at the pictures!


T: Oh, a pretty girl! What is she doing? She is playing the piano.Do you know why? Just guess!


Now, let me tell you.She is playing the piano for her teachers.She loves them and it's Teachers’ Day.Do you know Teachers’ Day ? Yes, of course you know.When is Teachers’ Day ? Who can tell me?


Oh, good boy / girl.You are right.But do you know how to say it in English?

Ok.Let's listen to the tape and find the answer.

3)教师播放第一段录音,让学生仔细听,听后回答两个问题:9月用英语是怎么说的;教师节的日期用英语怎么说。 录音放2遍。


5)Listen to the tape again and repeat.

3. Practice (10 ’)

1)把月份名称写在卡片上,让S1抽取一张,不让其他学生看见卡片内容。 S1不能出声,可以用动作,也可以用口形向大家提供信息,大家猜是几月份。

2)教师课前先制作好一个标有12月份缩写的圆盘,中间是一个可以移动的指示箭头,如钟表状,让学生分组来转,指到哪一个月,要先用英语读出来,并且再造一个句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.说对的学生为本组赢得小旗子,哪组旗子多,哪组是冠军。

4. Assessment

Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework (5 ’)

1)Finish the activity book.

2)学生分组制作一年12个月的英语月历,要求把星期和月份都用英语缩写表示出来,并加上一些自己喜欢的装饰。 下次课展示评比。

八. Blackboard design:

