
2022-12-07 10:06:25 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

只有坚定坚持最初的梦想走下去,再苦再累再难,坚定不移,才有 可能走向成功。  为了帮助各位考生系统的复习教师资格考试,全面的了解教师资格考试的相关重点以下是小编带来的六年级英语下册教案内容,感谢您的阅读,希望能帮助到您!


《At the library》



1)能听懂、会说并能熟练使用单词hurry, rule, line, CD以及词组 library card, in line

2)能听懂、会说并能熟练使用句子Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.

3)能初步了解掌握祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式的句式结构 。










A、全班朗诵表演韵律诗“Do you want to go to the sea?”

B、用“brainstorm”的方式复习学过的动词(talk,stand,run,speak等)并表演出来。 目的在于活跃气氛,激活旧知识,为新知做铺垫。


A、播放教师录的校园违规录象,问学生该不该这样做,怎么做才是对的,引导学生说出“Please listen to the teacher! Don’t run on the stairs!”之类的祈使句,教师板书在黑板上。


C、询问学生图书馆会有哪些规章制度,学生可能无法用英语很好表达,告诉学生:今天的课文就是关于图书馆中的规章制度的。 学完后,大家要试着给学校的一间公共教室制定一份规章制度,例如:阅览室、计算机室、语音室、音乐教室等。


A、通过教学VCD,整体呈现课文内容。 要求学生理解课文大意,

B、看书听录音。 要求找出带有“Please…”和”Don’t…”的句子,并试着说出来。 教师板书。

C、再看书听录音,要求学生总结“Library Rules”,教师将板书补充完整。 并告诉学生在图书馆要自觉遵守这些规定。

D、教师针对课文内容进行提问,从而引出hurry, rule, line, CD以及词组 library card, in line的学习。


F、读板书的句子。 加以总结,让学生明确“Please…”和”Don’t…”的含义及语用功能。 引导学生归纳其句型结构并在情境中加以口头巩固。

G、看SB活动2的图,让学生试着根据插图展开对话。 听音跟读重点句式。

H、完成AB E1的书写任务。



K、结合AB E2开展“Simon says”的游戏。

L、两人一组完成AB E3。 学生可先讨论,再填写完成。


以小组为单位试着给教室制定一份英文规章制度。 先讨论制度内容,再书写整理,制作成提醒卡。

全班交流并总结“Class rules”,并告诉学生这是大家共同制定的,要自觉遵守,互相监督,养成自觉遵守规章制度的好习惯。


We are going to speak Chinese


1.能听懂、会认、会读study ,History ,Physics等单词。

2.会用what are you going to study ?I’m going to …等语句来描述将要做的事情。

3.能口头会用Where are you going to go ? I’m going to go …/What are you going to do? I’m going to …等语句来描述自己的计划。


1.能听懂、会认、会读study ,History ,Physics等单词。

2.会用what are you going to study ?I’m going to …等语句来描述将要做的事情。

3.能口头会用Where are you going to go ? I’m going to go …/What are you going to do? I’m going to …等语句来描述自己的计划。


Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

T: Boys and girls, do you like games. Let’s play a game, ok? Now take out your books. I say and you show:

Chinese, maths, English, Science, Art, PE, Music.

Now, I show the books, and you say.

Show the words about books, let Ss say quickly. 新|课 |标 |第 |一| 网

T: My kids, today we are going to learn Module 10 Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese. (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。 )

Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

1. . Learn the new lore: middle school, History, Chemistry, Physics

T: Boys and girls, we are in Grade six now. We’re learning these subjects. We’re going to go to middle school this September.

We’re going to be students. And we’re going to learn some new subjects. They are History, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Geography…

Show the books and the cards of the words to learn.

2. Practice

Now, let’s practice. Show the card of the word: practice. I show and you say. Show the cards of the words: History, Chemistry, and Physics. Read one by one.

3、say the Chant

Middle school, middle school,

I’m going to go to middle school.

History, History/ Physics, Physics / Chemistry, Chemistry…

I’m going to study History/ Physics/ Chemistry …

Let Ss read the chants. And make a chant by oneself.

Step 3. Learn the text

You are going to go to middle school this September. And Daming is going to go to middle school, too. Let’s learn more about Daming will go to middle school.

1. Listen to the tape.

Listen and find, underline the sentences with “be going to”。

2. Listen again, and answer the questions:

when is Daming going to go to middle school?

What new subjects is Daming going to study?

Step 4: Practice

Remember new words by heart then have a dictation

Only have one minute to remember these words in their own way, then they’ll have a dictation.

Have a dictation: listen and write.

(课件展示听力题内容,让学生听音写出新词,培养学生的听力及单词书写能力,老师由此可以了解学生对课文及单词的掌握情况。 )

Read sentences , pay attention to the time and say “Yes “or “No”。

呈现句子:Are you going to go to middle school this September? 然后点击时间状语this September,时间状语可以变换:tonight, t 新|课 |标 |第 |一| 网 omorrow, next year, this afternoon等等,使学生更加明确be going to句式的用法。

Read sentences and choose “am going to, is going to , are going to”。

呈现句子:He …go to middle school this September.点击人称代词He将进行变换:I,she, we, Daming, you, Sam and Amy等,让学生选择“am going to, is going to , are going to”填空,使学生能熟练掌握be动词在不同人称下的变换形式,达到灵活运用。


Unit 1 we are going to speak Chinese

Daming: Physics Chemistry History

Amy: Chinese

1. Where are you going to go this summer?

2. What are you going to do?

3. What are you going to study?


《Go straight on》


1.新课程下的英语教学倡导充满情趣、真实的人文型的课堂,让学生在浓郁的人文气氛中感受、习得语言,发展能力。 语言运用能力的培养重在应用,在亲身经历中体验、感悟,在实践中发展能力。 为此,在综合拓展练习时,我设计了“小小督导员”的活动,重在让学生在创设的与生活相关的语言情境中去感悟,并运用英语。

2.《义务教育英语课程标准》明确要求小学生英语教学任务之一是培养学生初步的语感和良好的朗读、阅读习惯。 本课的教学活动设计,我注重了学生对于发出指令的祈使句的朗读训练和语气感悟。 并在最后设计一个趣味阅读练习,以培养学生良好的阅读习惯。

3.《义务教育英语课程标准》指出:“英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们磨练意志、陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富经历、开发思维能力、发展个性和提高人文素养的过程。 ”为此在本课的综合拓展练习时,我所选择的情景图画使学生熟悉的身边的生活场景,目的是能够很好的锻炼和培养学生良好的行为习惯,利用这个契机对学生进行情感教育。


1.知识目标:学生掌握语句Stop! Don’t go! Go!It’s green now. Don’t ride your bicycle here.

2.能力目标:学生学会口头运用Stop! Don’t go! Go!It’s green now.等语句发出指令。



1、能听懂Don’t ride your bicycle here.这类指令。 能口头运用Stop! Don’t go! Go!It’s green now.这类语句发出指令。





一、Warming up.

A game.

教师组织学生一起玩“Simon says”的游戏。 首先教师发出口令,然后请一名学生担当教师角色。

T:Boys and girls,now let’s play a game“Simon says”。 Listen to me carefully.“Stand up, please. Turn left/right/back/north/south/west/east.”Now, who can say as me?

(设计意图:通过组织游戏,既可活跃一下课堂气氛,又可复习巩固祈使句的用法。 此外在游戏中,尽量多的运用“left, right”等词,又可为本课的学习做好准备。 )


1.Lead in.(精讲点拨)

教师出示_指挥交通的图片,并向学生提出问题。 “Do you know what dose it mean?”学生根据图片动作逐一进行回答:“Turn left. Turn right. Go straight on. Stop!”

教师出示课本第一部分的交通标志图,请学生用英语说一说它们代表什么意思。 (T:I have more pictures. Can you tell me something about it?)学生可能对其中的一些标志图不是很了解,教师可告诉学生本节课结束后,你将会很流利的说出。 (T: Don’t worry. You may say it very well after this class.)

(设计意图:用_指挥图导入,能够很好的与本课的教学内容进行衔接,教师能够很自然的呈现本课的交通方面指示语的图画。 另外,在学生遇到障碍后,给学生的鼓励的同时,也提出了本课教学目标。 )

2.Listen and find.

教师首先让学生对图片的内容进行讨论,然后教师放录音,请学生边听边指向对应的图。 教师放地二遍录音,进行检查,并让学生重复。 学生听第三遍录音,完成课本第二部分的活动。

(设计意图:先让学生熟悉一下图片内容,学生能够很好的指向正确的图话。 在听与指的过程中是对学生听力及反应能力的一种很好的锻炼。 )


3.Listen and repeat.

教师出示课本第三部分的句子,让学生根据前几节课的知识自己先朗读。 然学生对比自己的语气和升降调。

教师再次放录音,让学生跟读、模仿,并简单讲解祈使句的读法。 (祈使句一般表示直接的命令、建议、告诫、邀请等多种意图,再读法上侧重读最后一个单词,读降调用以强调。 )

(设计意图:学生已经接触过语调方面的知识,先让学生自己朗读,然后再对比录音,学生的学习印象更为深刻,更利于掌握。 让学生掌握一点语音规则,对于他们的自学能力的培养有很大的帮助。 )


1.Who can read it?

教师出示一些祈使句,让学生站起来朗读,对于读的好的进行奖励。 读的不正确的请其他学生帮忙纠正。 之后在小组内进行朗读比赛。

Don’t put it on the table.

Please make the bed.

Please open the window.

Don’t close the door.

Don’t ride that horse.

(设计意图:在掌握了简单规则后,进行简单巩固练习,帮助学生进一步巩固所学知识,此外还能让学生更好体会英语学习成功的快乐,帮助学生进一步树立学生学习的自信心。 )

2.Where is it?(巧问质疑)

教师请一名学生先走出教室,把一件物品藏在教室的某个地方,然后请学生回到教室试着找出所藏物品。 首先由教师发出指令给学生提供线索,然后让他其他同学寻求帮助。

Eg:T: Walk to Song Shan.Go straight on. Then turn left.

S:Can you tell me more?…

(设计意图:通过找一找的小游戏,帮助学生进一步练习关于方位指令的祈使句的用法。 让学生实际练一练,在教室里走一走能很好的体会、运用。 比单纯的口令练习效果更好。 )





(设计意图:学生熟悉的生活情景,很容易让他们参与进来,也很利于他们发挥自己的运用能力。 在给学生创设了练习与运用英语的学习情景的同时,也是对学生进行思想教育,培养正确的行为习惯的很好的契机。 )

2. Read it and have a test.

It is a rainy day. A man gets on a bus with a dog. It is a big dog. Its feet are very dirty.The man says,“Condutor(售票员), if I buy a ticket for my dog, can he have a seat like the other people?”

The condutor looks at the man and then he says,“Of course,sir. He can have a seat like all the other people on the bus, but he must not put his feet on the seat like the other people on the bus.”

T or F

(1)The man gets on a bus with a small dog.

(2)The dog’s feet were very dirty.

(3)The mam wants a seat for his dog..

(4T)he conductor would like to give a seat to his dog.

(5)The dog sits down at last.

(设计意图:本节课的知识内容不是很多,在一定的练习巩固之后,我设计了趣味阅读。 并在阅读的同时对学生提出建议和要求。 既可调节一下课堂气氛,又可在课堂上进行阅读练习,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。 )




List some rules about how to learn English well.

Eg: Please listen to the teacher.

Please speak English in class. …


Lesson 29

一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:


(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.

三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

(一) 学习如何用英语说出9—12月。

(二)September is the ninth month of the year.

October is the tenth month of the year.

November is the eleventh month of the year.

December is the twelfth and last month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Situational Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Listening and reading.

五.Teaching aids:




六.Lesson type: New Lesson

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (5 ’)

1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.

2)Review the words and sentences about May, June, July, August, year.

2. Presentation (20 ’)

1)True or False. 正确的句子要求学生重复一遍,错误的句子让学生改正。

T: January is the first month of the year.

Ss: January is the first month of the year.

T: March is the second month of the year.

Ss: February is the second month of the year.

Ss: March is the third month of the year.


T: September is the ninth month of the year.

S: .... ?

T: Oh, sorry.You have not learnt it.Now look at the pictures!


T: Oh, a pretty girl! What is she doing? She is playing the piano.Do you know why? Just guess!


Now, let me tell you.She is playing the piano for her teachers.She loves them and it's Teachers’ Day.Do you know Teachers’ Day ? Yes, of course you know.When is Teachers’ Day ? Who can tell me?


Oh, good boy / girl.You are right.But do you know how to say it in English?

Ok.Let's listen to the tape and find the answer.

3)教师播放第一段录音,让学生仔细听,听后回答两个问题:9月用英语是怎么说的;教师节的日期用英语怎么说。 录音放2遍。


5)Listen to the tape again and repeat.

3. Practice (10 ’)

1)把月份名称写在卡片上,让S1抽取一张,不让其他学生看见卡片内容。 S1不能出声,可以用动作,也可以用口形向大家提供信息,大家猜是几月份。

2)教师课前先制作好一个标有12月份缩写的圆盘,中间是一个可以移动的指示箭头,如钟表状,让学生分组来转,指到哪一个月,要先用英语读出来,并且再造一个句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.说对的学生为本组赢得小旗子,哪组旗子多,哪组是冠军。

4. Assessment

Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework (5 ’)

1)Finish the activity book.

2)学生分组制作一年12个月的英语月历,要求把星期和月份都用英语缩写表示出来,并加上一些自己喜欢的装饰。 下次课展示评比。

八. Blackboard design:


What are you going to study


1、能听懂、会认、会读、并识别Physics 、Chemistry 、History 、Geography等单词。

2、能运用I'm going to study___. 等语句来介绍将来的中学生活。


1、能听懂、会认、会读、并识别Physics 、Chemistry 、History 、Geography等单词。

2、能运用I'm going to study___. 等语句来介绍将来的中学生活。


Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

T: My kids, yesterday we learnt Sam is going to go to middle school, and he is going to study physic chemistry, history . Today let talk about what are you going to study? (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。 )

Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

1、Review some words about subjects Chemistry ,Math ,history Chinese…

2、T: Look at here. She is lily and he is Peter. We'll watch a video about them. Before watching the video, let's see three tasks.

(1)Look at the pictures and read the text

(2)Listen to the tape and read each sentence.

(3)Students read the sentences and the new words. Then talk each other

3、Talk to a friend. What are you going to study? Choose and draw three subjects.

4、Memory game: How are you going to go to school?

Step 3: Practice

Ask and answer

Where are you going to study?

What are you going to study?


Unit 2 What are you going to study?

A: what are you going to study?

B: I am going to study Chinese, Math History, and Chemistry

