
2022-12-03 03:56:46 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

A public outcry over photos of young school children clambering up a sheer 800-meter cliff face on rickety wooden ladders, the only way they can get from their village homes to school, has prompted swift action from local authorities.

近日,一张照片引起了中国民众的强烈反响。 在这张照片上有一条800米长的陡峭山崖,而一群小学生正在攀爬一条摇晃的藤梯,那是他们从家里到学校的唯一道路。 此照片一出,当地政府迅速采取了行动。

Atuleer, home to people from the Yi ethnic group in the southwest of Sichuan Province, has no road connection and the residents depend on subsistence farming of potatoes, walnuts and chili peppers.


While many urban residents have expressed shock and disbelief that there are still people struggling for a basic living and education in the world's second-largest economy, experts said that there is still a long way to go to lift those left behind by China's modernization out of poverty.


A work team of 50 from Zhaojue county's transport, education and environment departments arrived in Atuleer to look into the situation after photos of the children's struggle caught the nation's attention in the past two days, The Beijing News reported.

过去的两天里,这张孩子们奋力挣扎的照片让全国人民都揪起了心。 据《新京报》报道,一只来自昭觉县交通、教育和环境部门的50人工作小组已经抵达了阿土勒尔村,查看当地环境。

Lin Shucheng, Party secretary of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, said that authorities would build a set of steel stairs as a temporary solution to ensure the security of the village residents, while more permanent solutions were sought, the report said.


Home to 72 families, the only way residents can reach the outside world is to risk the climb down a series of 17 ladders made from tree branches and vines precariously fixed to the cliff, The Beijing News reported. The village children, aged from 6 to 15, board at their school and are only able to return home twice a month, when their parents take turns escorting them up and down the mountain.

据《新京报》报道,阿土勒尔村共有72户村民,为和外界相连,当地村民只能冒险攀爬一条由17条梯子组成的“道路”。 这些梯子全由树枝和藤蔓固定到山崖上,非常不安全。 村里6到15岁的孩子们寄宿在学校里,两个月才能回一次家,每次都要他们的父母轮流护送上下山。

Yu Shaoxiang, an expert on social security and poverty relief legislation at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told the Global Times that the news went viral because it shows the sharp contrast between the relatively comfortable lives of China's urban majority, and the harsh life in villages like these.


"It warned the public that even though some people have a good life, China is still in the initial stages of socialism and so development is uneven," said Hu Xingdou, a professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology and expert on China's social problems.

北京理工大学教授、中国社会问题专家胡星斗表示:“这起事件是对公众的一个警醒,尽管目前有一些人有很好的生活,但是我国仍然处于社会主义初级阶段,发展还很不平衡。 ”
