
2023-06-25 11:51:22 发布:网友投稿


Have you ever heard of the term “homo”? It’s not referring to the scientific classification of humans, but rather a popular internet slang that has been circulating around social media platforms. “Homo” is derived from the Greek word “homos”, which means “same”. In the context of the internet, it is used to describe situations where two or more things are similar or identical. In this article, we will explore the origins and various uses of this internet slang, and how it has become a ubiquitous part of online culture.

The Origins of “Homo”

The term “homo” first gained popularity on the Chinese social media platform Weibo in 2019. It was used to describe situations where two or more things looked the same, such as two people wearing the same outfit or two objects that were identical in appearance. The term quickly spread to other social media platforms, such as Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok) and WeChat. It has since been adopted by internet users in other countries, such as Japan and South Korea.

The Many Uses of “Homo”

“Homo” has become a versatile internet slang that can be used in various situations. Here are some examples:

  1. Visual homo: This refers to situations where two or more things look similar or identical. For example, a picture of two people wearing the same outfit can be captioned with “visual homo”.
  2. Personality homo: This refers to situations where two or more people have similar personalities or behaviors. For example, two friends who both like to tell jokes can be described as “personality homo”.
  3. Interest homo: This refers to situations where two or more people have the same interests or hobbies. For example, two people who both enjoy playing video games can be described as “interest homo”.
  4. Language homo: This refers to situations where two or more words sound the same or have similar meanings. For example, the words “homo” and “homophone” can be described as “language homo”.

The Impact of “Homo” on Online Culture

“Homo” has become a popular internet slang that is used by millions of people around the world. It has become a way for people to express their appreciation for similarities and connections between things. It has also become a way for people to bond over shared interests and experiences. However, like any internet slang, “homo” has its detractors. Some people argue that it is overused and has lost its original meaning. Others argue that it is a form of cultural appropriation, as it is derived from a Greek word that has historical significance. Regardless of these criticisms, “homo” has become a ubiquitous part of online culture and will likely continue to be used for years to come.


“Homo” is a versatile internet slang that has become a ubiquitous part of online culture. It is used to describe situations where two or more things are similar or identical. It has many different uses, such as visual homo, personality homo, interest homo, and language homo. While it has its detractors, “homo” has become a way for people to express their appreciation for similarities and connections between things, and to bond over shared interests and experiences.
