
2022-04-14 16:28:07 发布:网友投稿

A few days later,we have seven days off for May Day英语作文书信格式。I planed to go to see my grandparents and go for a tirp with our classmates。
We will go to the jingang monten ,there are much beautiful thing to see。We will stay there for three days。We will have a good time。
How about you holiday plan?Just tell me ! The topic of whether or not to cancel the labor holiday is debated over and over by scholars。
Various reasons clearly indicate that the holiday should be kept。 Firstly, the labor holiday has its positive meanings for the people。
The holiday was first formed to give thanks and repect for the laborers。 It reminds people how there are countless people who are doing harsh and dirty work everyday to keep all of us in this good environment。
secondly, the labor’s holiday gives people some time to rest from work。 people are so busy working today that they can barely leave time to spend with their families。
This period of 7 days is just right for a family to maybe go on a vacation。 For the reasons presented above it is certain that the labor’s day should be kept。
