
2022-10-04 23:53:38 发布:网友投稿


Peter Hall表演艺术中心

Peter Hall Performing Arts Centre / Haworth Tompkins

来自建筑事务所的描写:Haworth Tompkins事务所为剑桥的Perse学校设计了一座全新的表演艺术中心。整座建筑采取自然通风,包含了一个400座礼堂、一个灵巧的门厅空间,以及完全的后台设施。Perse学校有着长期的音乐和戏剧运动筹划,而之前的设施已经不能满足应用需求。表演艺术中心是以Peter Hall的名字而命名,他在1941年到1949年曾是这所学校的一名学生,后来成为了国度剧院的导演,国度剧院与Haworth Tompkins有着长期的合作接洽。

Text description provided by the architects. Haworth Tompkins have completed a new Performing Arts Centre for The Perse School in Cambridge. The building, naturally ventilated throughout, includes a 400 seat auditorium, an adaptable foyer space, and full back of house facilities. The Perse School has an extensive programme of music and drama activities which had outgrown its previous facilities. The Performing Arts Centre is named after Peter Hall, who was a pupil at the school from 1941-1949. He went on to be the director of the National Theatre, an institution with which Haworth Tompkins has a long association.


This new center includes a 400 seat auditorium, an adaptable foyer space that incorporates a large, daylit rehearsal and teaching room, an exhibition space and full back of house dressing rooms, workshop and ancillary资源网 spaces, along with a suite of classrooms. The triple-height, galleried foyer with a ‘diagrid’ timber roof structure, is naturally daylit and overlooks a landscaped courtyard which will form the new heart of the school.


The space operates as a caf for pupils and staff during the school day, and as a foyer for audiences during events in the auditorium. Spanning the full width of the courtyard, the highly glazed foyer allows views in and out of the building and blurs the boundary between interior and exterior.

格拉斯哥艺术家Victoria Morton特殊委托爱丁堡的Dovecot工作室制造了一件纺织艺术品。人们从建筑的入口就可以看到墙上悬挂的艺术品,并且将两层的门厅空间衔接了起来。礼堂是一个采取深黑色木材内衬的空间,与苍白的木制门厅形成了比较。该空间将观众环绕在表演者周围,为舞蹈、戏剧、集会、音乐和演讲供给了良好的私密性,同时也可以依据须要在配置上采取更传统的表演方法。

A specially commissioned textile artwork is by Glasgow-based artist Victoria Morton, who worked with the pupils and explored the school archives for references. Created at Dovecot Studios in Edinburgh, the wall hanging is visible from the approach to the building and connects the foyer at both levels. The auditorium is a rich, dark timber-lined space to contrast with the pale timber foyer. It provides a beautifully intimate room for dance, theatre, assembly, music, and speech, wrapping the audience around the performers, but also allowing a more conventional end on the configuration when required.


The seats are upholstered in wool with natural colors that allude to the landscape outside. A suite of dressing rooms and technical spaces complete t资源网he theatre accommodation. The Performing Arts Centre incorporates full backstage facilities, enabling students to experience all aspects of staging a production and build on the activities of its thriving technical theatre company.


As with much of our theatre work, and particularly for the resilience required of a school, materials have been chosen for their durability and capacity to mature and change over time. The warm, robust palette of hand-made bricks, precast concrete and timber structure was selected with this in mind.

建筑事务所:Haworth Tompkins



主创立筑师:Jessica Daly, Simon Ricketts, Steve Tompkins, Roger Watts, Tom Wilson

面积:2340.0 m2


摄影:Philip Vile, Fred Howarth

制作商:Pollmeier, Autodesk, Hakwood

构造工程:Price & Myers

服务工程:Skelly & Cuuch


承包商:RG Carters

客户:The Perse School

Architects: Haworth Tompkins

Location: Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Category资源网: Performing Arts Center

Lead Architects: Jessica Daly, Simon Ricketts, Steve Tompkins, Roger Watts, Tom Wilson

Area: 2340.0 m2

Project Year: 2018

Photographs: Philip Vile, Fred Howarth

Manufacturers: Pollmeier, Autodesk, Hakwood

Structural Engineer: Price & Myers

Services Engineer: Skelly & Cuuch

Consultants: Charcoalblue

Contractor: RG Carters

Clients: The Perse School
