
2022-10-03 13:59:12 发布:网友投稿


陈慧娴(PriscillaChan,1965年7月28日-),出身于中国香港,中国香港女歌手。1984年以一首《逝去的诺言》出道,获选当年香港电台十大中文金曲最有前程新人;1986年推出《反水》大碟,成为香港一线女歌手;1989年,推出大碟《永远是你的朋友》,获得无线电视十大劲歌金曲最佳监制奖、香港电台十大中文金曲IFPI全年销量最高大碟奖等多项大奖;1995年回归乐坛推出大碟《Welcome back》连夺六星期IFPI销量冠军,并获得香港电台十大中文金曲十大优良风行歌手奖;2008年获得第五届《劲歌王》全球华人乐坛年度总选颁奖仪式至尊歌手奖;2016年加入综艺节目《隐蔽的歌手》。[1]2018年9月9日,加入在香港会展中心举办的《环球高歌陈百强》演唱会。

Chen Huixian is a Chinese singer from Hong Kong

PriscillaChan (born July 28, 1965) is a Chinese pop singer. In 1984, she debuted with a song "Lost Promises" and was selected as the "Most Promising Newcomer of RTHK's Top 10 Chinese Music of the Year". In 1986, she released the album "Rebel" and became a top female singer in Hong Kong. In 1989, she released the album "Your Friend Forever" and won many awards, such as TVB Top 10 Golden Songs Best Producer Award,资源网 RTHK Top 10 Chinese Golden Songs IFPI Best Selling Album Award and so on. In 1995, he returned to the music industry and released his album "Welcome Back", which won the IFPI Sales Champion for six weeks in a row. He also won the RTHK Top 10 Chinese 资源网Golden Melos Top 10 Pop Singer Award. In 2008, she won the Fifth "King of Strong Singing" Annual General Selection Award Ceremony of the Global Chinese Music Industry and the Supreme Singer Award. In 2016, he participated in the variety show "Hidden Singer". [1] On September 9, 2018, he attended the Universal Singing Chen Baiqiang Concert held in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibiti资源网on Center.
