
2023-02-21 15:18:36 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

Dear Mom and Dad:

Hello, it is the first time for my son to write such a thank-you letter to you. I don't know where to start, but I seem to have a lot of things to say. First of all, thank you very much for your care and training for me over the years. I still remember when I was in the fifth grade of primary school, there was an accident, which I still cannot forget. Because I was greedy, I ate some expired food, causing food poisoning. At that time, my whole body was red and there were some small spots. After you found out my condition, mom and dad immediately hugged me and ran to the hospital. While running, dad, you told me not to sleep while talking to me.

The reason is that I told you that I was very sleepy and wanted to sleep. After hearing this sentence, you kept talking with me and cried. This is the first time I have seen you speak with tears in your eyes, and it seems only this time so far. My mother kept wiping away tears behind me and asked me from time to time what I wanted to eat and cook for me this evening. Fortunately, our home is not far away from the hospital, so we arrived in about ten minutes. At that time, you all gave up your job and stayed with me all afternoon and half an evening, so I will never forget what happened on this day. Mom and dad, I thank you very much for your careful care of me. Without your careful care, I could not have thrived. I love you!



我最爱的爸爸妈妈你们好,我非常感谢你们这么多年以来能够把我照顾的那么好。 人们常说父爱如山一般沉重,母爱如水一般细腻。 我觉得这句话套用在你们的身上是非常不错的,妈妈给我的爱,是可以轻易就可以看得出来的,爸爸给我的爱只能够通过时间才可以知道。 爸爸妈妈作为你们的女儿,我很感谢你们能够将我抚养长大。 因为我也知道你们将我抚养长大是一件很困难的事情,我们的老家是在农村里面。 那你的思想一般比较旧,认为只有生儿子才是最好的。 当初在我还没有降临的时候,你们去医院检查得出的结果就是一个女孩子。 那个时候家里的长辈们,比如说我的爷爷奶奶就劝你们不要将这个孩子生下来,生下来的话也只是一个负担。 可是你们并没有听他们的话,依然坚持将我生了下来,所以我才能够来到这个世界。 我很感谢爸爸妈妈你们的坚持,如果没有你们坚持的话那么我也不可能来到这个色彩缤纷的世界,和你们相处那么多年的时间。

当我上幼儿园的时候,妈妈已经有好几年没有找工作了。 因为三四年的时间里妈妈都需要照顾我,所以她辞去了之前工作好几年的工作。 爸爸一个人承担着严重的家庭负担,每天的工作都让他很晚才回到家里。 这几年的时间里爸爸一直没有埋怨妈妈不找工作,爸爸也理解妈妈。 他只能够更加的努力工作才可以让我们过的好一些。 当我踏进幼儿园的时候,妈妈就迫不及待地开始找工作了。 不过一开始找的时候只能选择在家附近的工作,离得稍微远一点都不会考虑。 爸爸也曾经劝过妈妈,不要找工作好好照顾我就行了。 但是妈妈说光凭你一个人的努力,怎么可能供得了女儿以后的学习费用呢?就这样爸爸妈妈找到工作以后,我小的时候还经常有时间和他们相伴,但是越长大越没有时间和他们相处。 可是我知道你们是爱我的,你们只是想要给我一个更好的学习环境。 在爸爸妈妈努力的工作下,我的学习成绩一向在班级前列,而且在休息的时候还会去参加一些培训班,比如书法培训班,舞蹈培训班等等。 现在我也已经成为一位非常优秀的人了。 我知道我的一切都离不开爸爸妈妈的努力,我非常感谢你们对我的付出。 我爱你们,我希望你们能够身体健康。
