
2023-02-21 14:24:36 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

自我介绍对于每个人的沟通,社交是非常重要的。 那么该如何才能够做好自我介绍呢,一份好的自我介绍能够迅速的和别人拉近彼此之间的距离。 今天在这里给大家带来的就是有关于英文自我介绍的相关内容,希望可以对大家能够有所帮助,欢迎大家阅读参考借鉴。

大家好,今天我来到这里面试对于我来说是非常重要的一份机遇。 在前几份工作中,因为没有太大的发展潜力,所以我才去了工作,来谋求更好,更具有发展前途的工作。 今天我通过这次考试能够重新走上自己以前的工作岗位是非常开心的。 我曾经多次来到这种考场考试,但是因为各种原因没能在以前的时候就成功。 但是我相信只要我努力,那么我就一定会成功。 现在的我经历了多年的磨练和打拼之后,我和自己竞争对手上在年龄方面虽然说我已经不再具备优势,但是我比自己的竞争对手更多了。 一份对于工作的责任心,耐心以及对于公司的诚信还有自己的成熟和自傲。 我认为自己可以胜任应聘的这份工作岗位。

Hello, everyone, it is a very important opportunity for me to come here for an interview today. In the previous jobs, I didn't have much development potential, so I went to work to seek a better and more promising job. Today, I am very happy to pass this exam and get back to my previous job. I have come to this examination room for many times, but for various reasons, I failed to succeed in the previous time. But I believe that as long as I work hard, I will succeed. Now, after years of hard work, I and my competitors say that I no longer have advantages in terms of age, but I have more advantages than my competitors. A sense of responsibility for work, patience and integrity of the company, as well as their own maturity and pride. I think I am qualified for this job.
