
2023-02-17 08:26:15 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

在学校的时候给我们帮助最大的人就是我们身边的老师和同学。 可是如果谁给我们帮助最大的话,恐怕就是我们身边的同学了。 因为在学校的时候,我们是和同学相处最长的时间的人。 今天小编给大家带来的就是一封写给同学的感谢信范文,欢迎大家阅读参考借鉴。

Dear Wu Huajie,

It has been three years since the first day of high school and now we are getting along. Now we are going to go to school and continue to study and live. On this parting day, I want to write a thank you letter to express my gratitude to you. Thank you so much for your care and support for me over the years. You are the monitor of our class, and you always have to ask what happens in the class. For classmates' study and life problems, you will always provide your best ability to help us. One of the things you made me most memorable was the help you gave me when you first started school. At that time, because my parents were busy with my work, I came to school with my luggage. At the beginning, you have packed your dormitory. When you see me alone in the dormitory, you come over to help me without saying a word, not only help me make the bed, but also help me clean. At that time, I felt that you were a good person, and I discovered that you have many advantages over time. I usually like to help people and don't care about the rewards. But what makes us feel very incredible is that although you often help people, if you encounter problems, you are always embarrassed when asking for help from others. We have said that you have tried this question many times, but you have never changed it. Now we are about to separate, and finally wish you success in your studies and good health.


从高中第一天开始到现在我们相处已经有三年的时间了,现在马上就要各奔东西,前往大学继续学习生活。 在这个离别的日子里,我想写一封感谢信来表达自己对你的感谢之情,非常感谢这么多年以来你对我的照顾和支持帮助。 你是我们班的班长,在班级里面发生什么事情你总是要过问。 对于同学的学习和生活问题,你总是会提供自己最大的能力去帮助我们。 你让我最难忘的一件事情,还是当初刚开学时你对我的帮助。 那个时候因为家里父母我工作忙的原因,所以我是一个人带着行李来到学校的。 当初你已经将自己的宿舍收拾好了,看到我一个人在宿舍你二话不说就过来帮我的忙,不仅帮我整理床铺还帮我打扫卫生。

当时就觉得你是一个很好的人,随着时间的推移也发现了你这个人有很多的优点,平常最喜欢帮助人而且还不计较回报。 但是让我们觉得非常不可思议的就是虽然你经常帮助人,但是如果你遇到问题的时候,你在寻求他人帮助的时候总是不好意思。 对于这个问题我们曾经说过你好多次,但是你始终没有改过。 现在我们即将分别了,最后祝愿你能够学业有成,身体健康。
