
2023-02-17 07:52:08 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

感谢信是我们通常所用的一种表达对他人进行感谢的一种文书格式,我相信很多人都写过感谢信吧,但是今天小编给大家带来的却是关于感谢信的英文翻译。 但是也要感谢金转化成英文之后,看看有什么不同的含义吧。


很多人都说世界上最伟大的人就是自己的母亲,对于这一点我是深信不疑的,我也和绝大多数人一样非常的爱护你,我的妈妈。 我们这个家庭只是一个普通的家庭,父亲因为常年在外地工作很少回家。 在家里面基本上所有的家务活都是你一个人干的,而且你每天还需要为我做饭洗衣服。 但是对于你来说,家务活仿佛已经成为了日常行为一样。 你每天关注我的事情更多的还是我的功课问题。 虽然说你的学历不是很高,但是你在我的学习方面下了很多功夫。 每天都需要花费大量的时间来指导我和监督我的学习。 除了学习这方面对于我的身体你也是格外在乎的,每天为我准备精美的早餐和营养丰盛的午餐。 在周六周日的时候,你还会带我出去放松自己的心情,或者是进行一些体育锻炼增强自己的体能和身体素质。 我很爱你,也非常喜欢你,我希望你以后能够多放松自己,让自己变得轻松起来。 最后祝愿我的妈妈你能够身体健康,万事如意。

Dear mother:

Many people say that the greatest person in the world is his mother. I am convinced of this. I love you as much as most people, my mother. Our family is just an ordinary family. Father seldom comes home because he works abroad all the year round. At home, you do almost all the housework by yourself, and you have to cook and wash clothes for me every day. But for you, housework seems to have become a routine activity. You pay more attention to my things every day or my homework. Although your educational background is not very high, you have made a lot of efforts in my study. It takes a lot of time to guide me and supervise my study every day.

In addition to studying this aspect, you also pay special attention to my body, preparing a fine breakfast and a nutritious lunch for me every day. On Saturday and Sunday, you will take me out to relax myself, or do some physical exercises to improve my physical fitness and physical fitness. I love you very much and like you very much. I hope you can relax yourself more and make yourself relaxed in the future. Finally, I wish my mother good health and all the best.
