
2023-02-17 06:39:19 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

感谢信是我们日常生活中经常使用的一种表达感谢的文体,很多人在向他人表达感谢的时候都会使用这种文体,那么该如何用英文写一封感谢信呢。 今天小编给大家带来的就是关于感谢信英文模板,仅供参考。

My best friend:

Hello, I haven't seen you for three months. Because of the epidemic, our original plan was postponed or even changed. Because in our original plan, we planned to go to the seaside in March this year. However, no one thought that this natural disaster came so suddenly that the whole country was in a closed state. However, the better situation is that by the middle and late of April, some conditions have improved. The area inside includes our area. When I came to your house, you treated me warmly. Not only prepared a good meal, but also many delicious snacks and other things. Because of the distance, we did not go to the seaside as planned, but went to other places. I still want to thank you for your help in the process of playing. Not only did he explain some historical relics to me, but he also told me many beautiful stories. In the end, I played here for four days. During these four days, you took me to many famous places. I not only saw many beautiful scenery, but also heard many stories and even ate many delicious food in the food street. Finally, I would like to thank you for your warm hospitality in recent days. I also hope you can come to my place. I will certainly be so warm to you.


你好,我和你已经有三个月的时间没有见了。 因为此次疫情的原因导致我们原先计划被推迟甚至是改变之前的计划。 因为在我们原先的计划里面,我们打算今年的三月份去海边游玩。 可是谁也没有想到这次的天灾来的那么突然,全国都处于一个封闭的状态。 但是比较好的状况就是在四月中下旬的时候,部分情况已经有所好转。 这里面的地区包括我们所在的地区,当我来到你家的时候,你盛情招待我。

不仅准备了丰盛的饭菜还有许多可口的零食以及其他的。 因为距离的原因所以我们并没有按照之前的计划去海边游玩,而是去其他的地方游玩。 在这里我还是要感谢你一下,在游玩的过程中对我的帮助。 不仅为我讲解了一些历史遗迹,还给我说了很多动听的故事。 最后我在这里玩了四天的时间,这四天的时间里,你带我去了很多著名的地方。 我不仅看到了很多美丽的景色,也听了许多故事甚至还在美食一条街里面吃到了许多好吃的美食。 最后还是感谢你在这几天对我的热情招待,我也希望你能够去我那里,我一定会对你也这么热情的。
