
2023-02-16 19:39:45 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

对于许多学生在上学的时候都会做好自己的自我介绍,对于小学生来说在第一次自我介绍的时候,该如何才能够做好自己的自我介绍呢。 如果要用英语做自我介绍的话,那么又该怎么说呢。 今天在这里给大家带来的就是有关于小学生英语自我介绍的相关内容,希望可以对大家能够有所帮助,欢迎大家阅读参考借鉴。

大家好,我今年九岁了,我出生在美国,但是我在三岁的时候就已经回到了中国生活学习。 我在我们学校三年级一班读书,我的模样比较普通。 但是我的个子还是比较高高的,在我们班级里面我算是比较高的那一类人。 我的性格很活泼开朗,在晚上的时候都不困,非常难以入睡。 因为我觉得我每天都过得非常的开心快乐。 我最喜欢的运动是跆拳道,在班级里面每周的兴趣活动课,我也都会去练习自己的相关技能。 在周末的时候我也会玩一些格斗游戏,希望大家能够和我成为朋友,我也会和你们一起分享我的快乐。

Hello, everyone, I am nine years old. I was born in America, but I returned to China to study and live when I was three years old. I study in Class One, Grade Three in our school, and my appearance is rather ordinary. But I am still quite tall, and I am a relatively tall person in our class. My character is lively and cheerful, and I am not sleepy at night, so it is very difficult to fall asleep. Because I think I am very happy every day. My favorite sport is Taekwondo, and I will practice my related skills in the weekly interest class. I also play some fighting games on weekends. I hope everyone can become friends with me, and I will share my happiness with you.
