
2023-01-12 06:11:54 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿


以煤气中毒的方式离开这个世界,确实令人唏嘘。 茅侃侃的朋友圈停留在电影《前任3:再见前任》的画面截图,并配上了一句意味深长的文字:“嗯,我爱你不后悔,也尊重故事的结尾。 ”

甚至在自杀的前几天,他还认真地评价了某综艺节目上明星的表演。 2017年底,他晒出了小程序对自己2018年的测评,“稳,曾经的忧愁和顾虑,将在这一年遇到转机。 2018年,稳了!”


这个“故事的结尾”,简直有些令人难以置信。 曾被定义为“创业偶像”的茅侃侃,上一次大范围出现在人们的视线里还是2006年,他和李想、戴志康和高燃作为80后创业代表登上《中国企业家》的封面,并走上央视。 彼时,80后的创业者还属于“非主流”,并未被社会所广泛接纳。 他们被称作“超级男生”,顶着颠覆者的光环,激励着有志投身于创业圈的年轻人。


然而谁也没想到,12年后,曾经风光无限的茅侃侃却面临着融资困难、资金链断裂的问题。 1月25日,茅侃侃将生命永远定格在35岁。


The last time we heard of Mao Kankan was when he graced the cover of Chinese Entrepreneurs with Li Xiang, Dai Zhikang and Gao Ran. The four young men were considered as the icons of start-up businesses. At that time, young people who start up their own business were not mainstream. Mao and his friends were subverters of social expectations, encouraging young men to create their own careers.

After 12 years, the 35-year-old Mao shocked us with his death - he died on January 25, possibly due to financial difficulties with funding problems and cash flow. “I love you with no regret, and I respect the end of the story”, was his last moment.

Nobody knows what Mao suffered before his death.


少年得志的茅侃侃也许是高开低走的典范,但并不是唯一。 2017年7月,素有“咖啡王”之称的韩系咖啡连锁店“咖啡陪你”(Caffé Bene)行政总裁姜勋(音)在其位于首尔的家中洗手间自杀。



姜勋于1998年创立了豪丽斯咖啡(Hollys Coffee),使得韩国本土咖啡品牌在韩国国内站稳脚跟。 此后,姜勋又担任“咖啡陪你”行政总裁,在业内最早打破了500家加盟店的记录,创业过程顺风顺水。

然而,此后姜勋创立了将其拖入泥潭的咖啡品牌Mango Six,盲目的扩张、卖场的减少导致负债增加,在资金链的重压下,曾经号称要在中国开5000家店的姜勋选择以极端的方式一了百了。


The death of Mao is not the only example. Kang Hoon, the CEO of Café Mango Six, committed suicide in July 2017. Although no suicide note was found, police discovered a short message sent to an acquaintance by Kang before his death: "Life is too difficult to carry on."

Kang enjoyed success in the Korean coffee industry as the founder of the Hollys Coffee chain and made Caffé Bene the most popular local coffee shop brand. His success earned him the nickname, "Coffee King".

Café Mango Six is a renowned coffee and dessert chain. As Kang struggled with his shrinking business, he filed for corporate rehabilitation proceedings with the court. However, he could not save his business at the time, choosing the worst possible way to settle the problem.



任正非在华为创业举步维艰时说:“我无力控制,有半年都是噩梦,半夜常常哭醒。 ”


精神压力会影响身体健康。 2013年,李开复罹患淋巴癌;2016年,春雨医生创始人兼CEO张锐突发心肌梗塞去世,年仅44岁。 去世前他曾经说道,每天吃不好睡不好,晚上睡前会担心资金链断了怎么办。


西安东盛集团董事长郭家学在重压下也曾经差点自杀。 比茅侃侃幸运的是,有员工看出了端倪,在郭家学想要自杀的那个下午赶到他办公室说:“如果你死了,你就把所有为了梦想而追随你的同事们害死了。 你是要大家心死吗?你的父母兄弟孩子的痛苦你想过吗?”



The tragedies of Mao and Kang may be caused by perceived failure, but it does not mean that currently successful entrepreneurs can relax.

Ren Zhengfei, the CEO of Huawei, said he suffered nightmares for nearly half a year during the tough times of the company.

The stress often harms physical health. Li Kaifu was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2013, while the CEO of Chunyu Doctor died of sudden myocardial infarction in 2016. Before his death, he used to say: “I cannot sleep at night, always worrying about running out of cash.”

The CEO of Topsun Group Guo Jiaxue also suffered tough times that made him want to commit suicide. Fortunately, his colleague was able to talk him through it, asking him: “Have you thought of your family and friends? ”


新京报曾经与国内最大的心理咨询服务平台简单心理联合进行了一项“中国创业者情绪状态调查”, 尝试了解创业者的心路历程。 调查发现,创业者的压力、焦虑和抑郁状况高于普通人。

这种精神状况似乎与创业者的日常生活如影随形。 在参加心理调查的110777位普通用户中,总分为21分的压力状况在普通用户处平均得分为10.99分,而创业者们的平均得分为17.08分,把曾经在简单心理寻求帮助的89.34%的用户甩在身后。

焦虑和抑郁状况方面的调查情况类似。 这意味着,长期如履薄冰的创业者们,心理压力、焦虑和抑郁状况远高于其他人群。

The Beijing News conducted a survey on the emotional state of entrepreneurs, in collaboration with China’s largest psychological consulting service Easy Mind, to figure out the mental state of those who start their own businesses.

According to the survey, those people will more easily feel stressed, anxious and depressed than ordinary people.


信息不充分导致难以正确评估工作 | Role Conflict or Ambiguity

"Role conflict or ambiguity refers to not having sufficient information regarding the evaluation of your work. In most cases, people have someone or something telling them how they stack up or what they’re doing right and wrong. An entrepreneur, as the leader of a company, rarely has a system in place to do that, which can cause stress."

无法平衡家庭与工作 | Job versus Non-job Conflict

"Job versus non-job conflict simply refers to not knowing how to handle the pressure of work and family simultaneously. In other words, it’s the tension and stress that comes with trying to balance personal and work matters."

背负了太过沉重的责任 | Concern for Quality

"Concern for quality alludes to the desire for perfection in the product or service being produced. Role overload is the stress that comes with taking on too many responsibilities at once, and responsibility pressure is the weight of realizing that everything falls on your shoulders."


欲戴皇冠,必承其重。 创业者看似风光无限,但背后承受的压力却不为人所知。 他们或许致力于改变世界、成为下一个乔布斯,但却遭遇了现实世界的诸多无奈。

年轻的创业者或许因为没有经验而走弯路,或许因为急功近利而误入歧途。 为此,美国杂志《企业家》为饱受压力“摧残”的创业者提出了3条建议:

为自己点赞 !| Make a list of accomplishments

The to-do list is great, but comes with a lot of pressure. If you have the luxury of an assistant or receptionist, put them in charge of handling your to-do list and ask them to give you no more than one or two tasks at a time. Then grab that pad of paper on your desk or whiteboard on the wall and make yourself an ‘I’ve-Done’ list. This visual reinforcement will show you that you are, in fact, being productive.

从办公室走出去! | Get out of the offic

You must get out of the office at least once each day. Staying cooped up will only cause you to shut off from the rest of the world. Take an extended lunch break or a 20-minute run, go to the gym or grab coffee down the street. The point is to switch up your environment and stop focusing on work for a brief period of time.

快整理下你的办公桌! | Clean up the mess

You don’t need to be a clean freak, but do need to maintain an organized, clutter-free workspace. Before clocking out for the day, straighten up your desk, file away your papers, and clean out your inbox. You’ll start tomorrow much more refreshed and focused.

