
2022-12-09 10:15:12 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

你在我心中是特别的存在,是我非常重要的选择。 我用层层的思念将你紧紧包裹,用长长的欢乐把你丝丝缠绕。 用如火的热情将你完全蒸透,这样端午节时,我就可以享受到美味的粽子了。 祝你端午节快乐,平安幸福,吉祥如意!下面是小编整理的关于端午节高三英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望能帮助到大家,谢谢!


泱泱华夏,盛开着五十六朵民族之花。 不同的地区、不同的民族,都有着自己独具特色的民风民俗。 不一样的节日,不一样的穿着,不一样的食物,不一样的居民……在我们这个大中国里有许许多多的传统节日:有中秋节,端午节,重阳节,元宵节,清明节……在这么多的节日里我最喜欢的还是归“端午节”莫属。 “端午”一个多么起眼的词语,它的大名家喻户晓,与它相关的传说更是无人不知,无人不晓。


每年的五月初五是端午节。 这一天早早的,大街小巷,家家户户都弥漫着清新的粽叶香。 这一天人们要吃粽子,所以不论是商家店铺,还是寻常人家都早早泡好粽叶,备好黏米和馅料准备包粽子。 这不,一大早粽子就似变魔术般被包好,煮熟了。 这时心急的我望着冒着热气的粽子会吵着要吃,而爸爸会耐心地哄道:“先等一会儿,用凉水拔一下再吃吧。 ”终于可以吃了,我迫不及待地剥开粽叶,那好看的,黏黏的粽露了出来,咬一口真是香粽爽滑,三口两口吃掉后,我一般还要吃,谁让它这样香甜又可口呢!

在香甜可口的粽子后面有着一个家喻户晓的民间故事:相传在古时候,有一位爱国诗人,叫屈原。 他有渊博的知识和杰出的才华。 但当时朝廷因被贱人所挑拨,屈原被轻视,无人欣赏他的才华。 不仅如此,当时朝廷_无能。 屈原无法忍受朝廷的_,竟跳进汨罗江自尽了。 他的故事被人一代代流传下去。 于是人们为了纪念他,每逢五月五日端午佳节都包粽子投入江中,防止江里的鱼儿吃屈原的尸体。

In China, there are fifty-six national flowers in full bloom. Different regions and different nationalities have their own unique folk customs. Different kinds of holidays, different clothes, different food, different people... There are many traditional festivals in our big China: Mid-Autumn festival, Dragon Boat Festival, double ninth festival, Lantern Festival, qingming festival... On so many festivals, my favorite is the Dragon Boat Festival. The word "Dragon Boat Festival" is a remarkable word, its name is a household name, and the legend associated with it is unknown, no one knows.

There are a lot of customs about the Dragon Boat Festival: eating zongzi, racing dragon boats, planting mugwort... My favorite is eating zongzi, of course!

The fifth day of may is the Dragon Boat Festival. Early in the day, the streets and lanes are filled with fresh zongzi. On this day, people eat zongzi, so whether it's a store or an ordinary family, it is always ready to make zongzi, and prepare glutinous rice and stuffing. This is not, the early morning zongzi is like a conjuring bag, cooked. At this time the anxious I look at the steaming zongzi would be noisy to eat, and the father will patiently coax to say: "first wait a moment, use cool water to pull again to eat." Finally can eat, I can't wait to strip away leaves, the beautiful, the sticky reed exposed, bite is really see a smooth, three two after eating, I usually eat, who made it so sweet and delicious!

There is a popular folk story behind the sweet dumplings: legend has it that in ancient times, there was a patriotic poet called qu yuan. He has great knowledge and outstanding talent. But the court was despised by the untouchable, and no one appreciated his talent. Not only that, the court was corrupt and incompetent. Qu yuan could not bear the corruption of the court and jumped into the miluo river to himself. His story has been handed down from generation to generation. In order to commemorate him, people made zongzi in the river to prevent the fish from eating qu yuan's body in the river.


端午节来源于屈原的故事:爱国诗人屈原出了一个能够富国强民的好主意,但是没有被国王采纳,他反而被逐出宫中。 屈原气得不得了,跳进了汨罗江。 当地的渔夫得知后划着小船把竹筒里的米撒向汨罗江给屈原。 后来,大家把竹筒盛米改为粽子,把划小船改为赛龙舟来纪念屈原。 我们全家都非常敬佩屈原,因此,我们家每年都过端午节。

端午节的传统习俗就是吃粽子。 我们家有一个名副其实的包粽子好手——我的妈妈。 每年端午节的时候,我们全家都能吃到可口的粽子。 妈妈常说:“用芦苇的叶子包的粽子最香。 ”所以,每年端午节妈妈都用芦苇的叶子来包粽子。 她在包粽子之前,先做好准备工作:把芦苇的叶子放在水里煮一煮,把准备好的糯米和枣分别洗一洗。 等芦苇的叶子凉了以后,她就开始包粽子了。 她先取三片叶子,将这三片叶子卷成一个圆锥体,然后先放一个枣,接着在里面放上糯米,中间再夹几个枣,最后用线把叶子捆好,一个粽子就包好了。 她包的粽子又肥又大,活像一个个老佛爷在睡觉。 等粽子包完后,妈妈把它们放在高压锅里蒸四十分钟,再放三四个小时,使其入味,然后就可以吃了!妈妈包的粽子十分香,香得使我一见到粽子就会大口大口地吃起来。 所以,每当吃粽子时,我总是吃得很多!


我最喜欢看赛龙舟了,几十个水手都拿着桨,奋力地划着,擂鼓的水手士气高昂,用力地敲着。 “加油,加油!”场外的拉拉队激情洋溢,发出雷鸣般的呐喊声、助威声,水手们听了不得不更加使劲划船。 整个赛龙舟的场面非常壮观、热烈。


The Dragon Boat Festival comes from the story of qu yuan, a patriotic poet qu yuan out a good idea to rich countries qiangming, but not adopted by the king, he was kicked out of the palace. Qu yuan was so angry that he jumped into the miluo river. The local fisherman learned that he rowed a boat to the miluo river to the miluo river. Later, the bamboo tube was changed to zongzi, and the boat was changed to the dragon boat to commemorate qu yuan. Our family is very impressed with qu yuan, so we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year.

The traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is eating zongzi. Our family has a really good zongzi -- my mother. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, our whole family can eat delicious dumplings. Momma always said: the rice dumplings with reeds are the most fragrant. Therefore, every year, the mother of the Dragon Boat Festival USES the leaves of the reed to make zongzi. Before making zongzi, she prepared herself: boil the leaves of the reeds in the water and wash them separately. When the reed leaves were cold, she began to make zongzi. Her first three leaf, this three leaves into a cone, then put a date first, and then put on inside glutinous rice, middle to clip a few dates, the last thread tied leaves, a rice dumplings wrapped. Her dumplings are fat and big, like the old Buddha sleeping. After the dumplings have finished, mom put them in a pressure cooker for 40 minutes, then another three or four hours to make it taste and then eat it! My mother's dumplings are very fragrant, so that when I see the zongzi, I will eat them. So, when eating zongzi, I always eat a lot!

The Dragon Boat Festival besides the need to eat zongzi, also the dragon boat!

I like watching dragon boat RACES the most, and dozens of mariners, with their OARS, struggling to make their way to the drum, beat the drum and beat the drum. "Come on, come on! The outside cheerleaders were enthusiastic, thundering and cheering, and the sailors were forced to row harder. The scene of the dragon boat race was spectacular and enthusiastic.

Eating zongzi and racing dragon boat racing, the two traditional customs jointly knit together a hot and noisy Dragon Boat Festival.



端午节最早源于战国时期,当时有个叫屈原的楚国人,他在楚王身边做官,是一位忠臣。 昏君楚王听信奸臣的话,把屈原削职流放。 在流放中,屈原听说楚国的的都城被敌人占领,百姓遭难,悲愤极了。 五月初五这一天,他来到汨罗江边,怀抱一块石头,以纵身跳入汨罗江中。 出国的百姓听到屈原投江的消息,都十分悲痛。 他们含着泪划着船赶来打捞屈原,还把粽子扔到江里喂鱼,希望鱼儿不要伤害屈原的身体。 这就是五月端阳包粽子的来历。

而赛龙舟是楚人因为舍不得贤臣屈原死去,于是有许多人划船追赶拯救。 他们争先恐后,追至洞庭湖时不见踪迹,是为龙舟竞渡之起源,后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之。 而粽子则是百姓不忍心忠臣被鱼虾吃食,故而将米饭等食品做成粽子投入江中,以求保屈原全尸。

小孩还要挂香囊的。 端午节小孩佩香囊,不但有避邪驱瘟之意,而且有襟头点缀之风。 香囊内有朱砂、雄黄、香药,外包以丝布,清香四溢,再以五色丝线弦扣成索,作各种不同形状,结成一串,形形色色,玲珑夺目。

端午节还有挂艾叶、菖蒲的习惯:在端午节,家家都以菖蒲、艾叶、榴花、蒜头、龙船花,制成人形称为艾人。 将艾叶悬于堂中,剪为虎形或剪彩为小虎,贴以艾叶,妇人争相佩戴,以僻邪驱瘴。 用菖蒲作剑,插于门楣,有驱魔祛鬼之神效。


The lunar may fifth day of the Dragon Boat Festival, is China's more than two thousand years old customs, on this day, families are the doors, hanging moxa calamus, dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, drink realgar wine, swim all ills, sweet bursa.

The Dragon Boat Festival originated from the warring states period, when there was a man called qu yuan, who was a loyal minister. When the king of chu listened to the words of the rape officer, he took the exile of qu yuan. In exile, qu yuan heard that the capital of the state of chu was occupied by the enemy. On the fifth day of may, he came to the miluo river, held a stone and plunged into the miluo river. The people who went abroad heard the news of qu yuan's investment in the river. They rowed boats in tears, and threw them into the river to feed the fish, hoping that the fish would not harm qu yuan's body. This is the origin of the zongzi in May.

The dragon boat race was a man of chu because he couldn't bear to die, so a lot of people rowed to the rescue. They were scrambling to find their way to dongting lake, the origin of the dragon boat race, and the dragon boat was on May 5 each year. And the zongzi is the people not to bear the loyal minister to be eaten by the fish and shrimp, so the rice and other food are made into zongzi into the river, in order to protect the body of qu yuan.

The kids still have to hang the sachets. The children of the Dragon Boat Festival, the child, not only has the intention of avoiding evil spirits, but also has the style of the front. Sweet bursa, cinnabar, realgar, xiang, outsourcing to wire cloth, fragrance 4 excessive, again the five-color silk string into a rope buckle, for a variety of different shapes, form a series, variety, and exquisite.

The Dragon Boat Festival has the habit of hanging moxa leaf, calamus: during the Dragon Boat Festival, every family to calamus, folium artemisiae argyi, pomegranate, garlic, dragon boat flower, made into humanoid called ai. Hang the leaves in the hall and cut them into a tiger or a ribbon, and stick it with the leaves of the mugwort. Using calamus as a sword and inserting it into the lintel, it has the magical effect of exorcism.

Dragon Boat Festival is a lot of activities, this is the traditional festival of our Chinese nation, we are better to inherit!



赛龙舟,是端午节的主要习俗。 源于古时候,楚国人因舍不得贤臣屈原投江死去,许多人划船追赶去拯救。 他们争先恐后,追至洞庭湖时不见踪迹。 之后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之。 借划龙舟驱散江中之鱼,以免鱼吃掉屈原的身体。

端午节我们是要吃粽子的,这是中国人民的传统习俗。 粽子被正式定为端午节食品。 这时,包粽子的原料除糯米外,还添加中药益智仁,煮熟的粽子称“益智粽米中掺杂、板栗、红枣、赤豆等,品种增多。 粽子还用作交往的礼品。

名家艾、艾蒿。 它的茎、叶都含有挥发性芳香油。 它所产生的奇特芳香,可驱蚊蝇、虫蚁,净化空气。 菖蒲是多年生水生草本植物,它狭长的叶片也含有挥发性芳香油,是提神通窍、健骨消滞、杀虫灭菌的药物

可见,古人插艾和菖蒲是有一定防病作用的。 端午节也是自古相传的“卫生节”,人们在这一天洒扫庭院,挂艾枝,悬菖蒲,洒雄黄水,饮雄黄酒,激浊除腐,杀菌防病。 这些活动也反映了中华民族的优良传统。

到了唐代,粽子的用米,已“白莹如玉”,其形状出现锥形、菱形。 粽子的包裹料已从菰叶变革为箬叶,后来又出现用芦苇叶包的粽子,附加料已出现豆沙、猪肉、松子仁、枣子、胡桃等等,品种更加丰富多彩。

一直到今天,每年五月初,中国百姓家家都要浸糯米、洗粽叶、包粽子,其花色品种更为繁多。 从馅料看,北方多包小枣的北京枣粽;南方则有豆沙、鲜肉、火腿、蛋黄等多种馅料,其中以浙江嘉兴粽子为代表。

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and I am waiting for...

Dragon boat racing is the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. In ancient times, the people of the state of chu were not allowed to condescend to the river, and many people rowed to the rescue. They rushed to the lake and disappeared. The dragon boat is then on May 5 each year. Use the dragon boat to disperse the fish in the river, so as not to eat the body of qu yuan.

We are going to eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a traditional custom of the Chinese people. Zongzi is officially designated as a food for the Dragon Boat Festival. At this time, the raw material except glutinous rice zongzi, add Chinese traditional medicine fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae, boiled dumplings "puzzle in the reed meters doping, chestnut, jujube, red bean, etc., variety. Zongzi is also used as a gift.

The famous ai, mugwort. Its stems and leaves contain volatile aromatic oils. It produces strange aromas, repellent flies, insect ants, purifying the air. Calamus is a perennial aquatic herb with long, narrow leaves that also contain volatile aromatic oils, a drug that refrezes the mind, kills bones and kills insects

It is seen that the ancients had certain protection against disease. "Health day" in the Dragon Boat Festival is also a tradition since ancient times, people in this day cleaning the yard, hanging YiZhi, dangerous calamus, sprinkles realgar water, drink realgar wine, conserving IP turbidity, prevention of sterilization. These activities also reflect the fine traditions of the Chinese nation.

In the tang dynasty, the rice dumplings were "white and white," and the shape of the zongzi was conical and diamond shaped. Zongzi package material has been from wild rice leaf changes to reed leaves, then appeared in reed leaves package dumplings, additives have bean paste, pork, pine nuts, dates, walnut and so on, varieties more rich and colorful.

As of today, every year in early may, the Chinese people will soak glutinous rice, wash zongzi and make zongzi, and they will have more variety. From the filling, the Beijing date zongzi, which is covered in the north, is covered with jujube. In the south, there is a variety of fillings such as bean paste, fresh meat, ham and egg yolk, which is represented by jiaxing zongzi in zhejiang province.


端午节到咯!我们家特地买来一盒粽子来欢度端午。 我津津有味地品尝着美味的粽子,不禁赞道:“真是好吃,希望每天都是端午节。 ”话音刚落,我就听见妈妈足以传遍整栋楼的尖叫,我和爸爸急忙赶过去。

只见妈妈指着一个房间的门,惊恐地说:“这怎么回事!”我和爸爸不约而同地往门内一望,同时被吓到了。 我的天啊!这房间里面摆得全都是大大小小的盒装粽子!我连忙掐了自己一下,“哎哟,痛死我了……看来不是梦……”


“胆小鬼!”我一边抱怨一边望向粽子包装盒。 只见盒子上赫然写着几个大字“雷神牌粽子”,然后下面是一个造型惊人的“神”,后面跟着歌词“偶雷偶雷偶雷偶雷……”我愕然,难道这就是传说中的“雷神”!

为了解决这不速之客——“雷神牌粽子”,我和爸妈访亲拜友,白送粽子。 送的人家都不好意思要了。 哪知送完了一批粽子还剩一大堆,堆的跟山一样高。

为了正常的作息,夺回被粽子霸占的房间。 我被迫当起了小贩。 每天放完学就一边写作业,一边卖粽子。 可是端午节都过去了,生意惨淡啊!我埋没在一堆粽子里,过往的人们在粽子前面纷纷议论,“这孩子真可怜,哪位好心人,把她的粽子买几盒送到废品收购站吧……”我汗如雨下。


这项决定导致我一听跟粽子谐音或沾边的词胃里就开始翻滚。 可那一大堆粽子还是不见少……

下一个端午要来了,我们还在与粽子作艰苦斗争,这就是我们家传说中的“粽子战争”。 这粽子好像怎么吃也吃不完。

就在我们一家陷入绝望时,一个唱着“偶雷偶雷偶雷偶雷……”的东西(?)经过,一听歌词,怎么那么耳熟?我一看,天哪!竟然是雷神!(这形象已深入我心。 )我看见他马上大吼:“我不要房间里的这些粽子啦!!”,一瞬间,那些“雷神牌粽子”消失的无影无踪。 我长舒一口气,终于不用再受折磨了。

下一个端午前夕。 爸爸又抱着一大盒粽子回到家,我看着这一情景,默默地站了很久,然后像纸片一样轻飘飘地跌在地面。 在昏倒之前,我用最后一丝气息缓缓说道:“我不要再吃……“雷神牌”粽子了……”


爸爸看着我,缓缓说道:“这是今年的粽子。 ”

The Dragon Boat Festival is here! Our family specially bought a box of zongzi to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. I tasted the delicious dumplings with relish, and said, "it's delicious. I hope it's Dragon Boat Festival every day." As soon as I heard it, I heard my mother screaming in the whole building, and my father and I hurried over.

She pointed to the door of a room and said in horror, "what's going on?" My father and I looked at each other in the door, and we were frightened. Oh my god! The room was full of small boxes of rice dumplings! I quickly pinched myself, "ouch, it hurts me... it doesn't look like a dream..."

"You go! Mom and dad looked at each other, and they pushed me into the sea of rice.

"Coward! As I complained, I looked at the dumplings box. See box impressively write letters "thor" brand rice dumplings ", then the following is a modelling "god", followed by the words "accidentally LeiOu LeiOu LeiOu ray..." I am stunned, this is the legend of "thor"!

In order to solve this unexpected guest, "thor zongzi", my parents and I visited our relatives and sent zongzi. The people in the house were embarrassed to ask for it. There is a lot of zongzi left, and the pile is as high as the mountain.

In order to get a normal routine, retake the room which is occupied by zongzi. I was forced to be a peddler. Finish your homework every day and sell zongzi. But the Dragon Boat Festival is over. I buried in a pile of rice dumplings, past people whispering in front of the rice dumplings, "the child is really poor, which good intention, send her dumplings a few boxes to the junkyard..." I sweat like a rain.

For the sake of learning step mom over my "vendor lives", she told me a face of heavy consequences - that is, three meals a day every day must add 2 big rice dumplings!

This decision caused me to start rolling in my stomach with the word "zongzi" or "the word". But that big pile of dumplings is still missing...

The next Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and we are still struggling with zongzi. This is the "zongzi war" in our legend. The dumplings seem to be eating and eating.

As one of our family was in despair, one of them sang "the occasional thunderer." (?) After listening to the lyrics, how do you know? Oh, my god! Thor! This image has penetrated my heart. I saw him roar at once: "I don't want the dumplings in the room!!" In a flash, those "thor dumplings" disappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief, and finally I didn't have to suffer any more.

The next Dragon Boat Festival eve. My father came home with a big box of zongzi, and I watched the scene, standing silently for a long time, then falling on the ground like a piece of paper. Before I fainted, I slowly said, "I don't want to eat..." Thor: "dumplings..."

Then he fainted in the ground.

Dad looked at me and said slowly, "this is the zongzi this year."

