
2022-12-07 05:14:40 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿



Units 1-2 单元暑假作业答案

I. 1-5 CBACC 6-10 BAADB 11-15 AAACD 16-20 ABCCC


1. forgets 2. member 3. support 4. smell 5. patient 6. finish 7. lift 8. cheerful 9. address 10. perfect

Ⅲ. 1. hard-working 2. care 3. laugh 4. remain 5. strict 6. French 7. wine 8. Europe 9. Tower 10. coast

Ⅳ. 1. patience 2. careful 3. success 4. French 5. skiing 6. lying 7. reading 8. stairs 9. receiver 10. impossible11. probably 12. support 13. successful 14. cheerful 15. misses 16. France 17. European 18. reading 19. greetings 20. jokes

Ⅴ. 1. telling jokes 2. is strict about 3. give up 4. to stare at 5. by the sea 6. is famous for 7. at least 8. go shopping 9. preferred to 10. Western Europe

Ⅵ. 1. takes time to help 2. is the time for 3. the perfect place for 4. Why not go on 5. hope to study 6. what do; think of 7. is trying swimming 8. tried to save 9. what; looks like 10. plan to go to 11. not only singing but also dancing 12. is the capital of

Ⅶ. 1. taking care of 2. makes fun of 3. are full of fun 4. are different from 5. was known as 6. as well 7. goes to work 8. went on holiday 9. is close to 10. all day and all night

Ⅷ. 1. The; the; a 2. the 3. a; The 4. The; the 5. The; the; / 6. /; the; the 7. The; / 8. the; / 9; The; a; /; / 10. the; the 11. /; the 12. The; /

Ⅸ. 1. and 2. but 3. so 5. so 6. and 7. but 8. but 9. or 10. or

Ⅹ. 1-5 BDBBC 6-10 BADCA

Ⅺ. 1-5 BDABC

6. F 7. your mouth 8. From your eyes. 9. A seller. 10. 真正的微笑使顾客感到放松。

11-15 FABEC


Dear Dave,

I am on holiday in Shenzhen. We arrived here yesterday by plane. Shenzhen is a modern city. The weather is not very cold or hot, and it’s cool. I like the sea in Dameisha very much. It is beautiful and the sand is clean. Shopping in Dongmen Street was also fun. We had many delicious food there today. Tomorrow, we are going to climb Wutong Mountain. I plan to stay here for a week.



Units 3-4 单元暑假作业答案


1. blind 2. programme 3. carry 4. mean 5. receptionist 6. allow 7. pet 8. anywhere 9. apologize 10. dark


1. save 2. acting 3. branches 4. fight 5. Airport 6. harmful 7. major 8. disease 9. hole 10. imagine


1. helpful 2. meaning 3. led 4. appeared 5. Finally 6. discussing 7. examples

8. am going to climb 9. barking 10. furniture

Ⅳ .从以下所归纳的词组中选择合适的词组并用其适当形式填空。

1. arrived at 2. by myself 3. looked around 4. fell asleep 5. Millions of 6. to fight against 7. are good for 8. For example 9. next to 10. pushing away

Ⅴ .根据句意及汉语提示填写短语,使句子完整、通顺。

1. comes from 2. convenient for 3. woke up 4. is made of 5. take in 6. got down 7. In fact 8. at the bottom of 9. fire engine 10. provides us with

Ⅵ. 根据汉语提示,完成句子,每空一词。

1. You are welcome to 2. With the teacher’s help 3. started to learn 4. don’t allow us to take 5. You’d better put on 6. As soon as 7. do our best to finish 8. saw me playing 9. is home to 10. Stop playing 11. Let’s go to 12. I’m sorry that 13. use; to buy

Ⅶ .单项选择。

I. 1-5 ACBAD 6-10 BDCDB 11-15 BACDB 16-20 DBAAC

Ⅷ .用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。

1. discussion 2. apologizing 3. leaves 4. millions 5. laughing

6. final 7. digging 8. convenient 9. importance 10. careful

11. is playing 12. are dancing 13. cooking 14. are; doing 15. is having 16. aren’t watering 17. are running; are running 18. is listening 19. are going 20. Is; washing

Ⅸ. 阅读理解。


Ⅹ .书面表达。

These years, air pollution is more and more serious, and it brings us many problems. There are many reasons. More and more people buy cars, and those cars produce a lot of harmful gases and waste a lot of energy. A lot of factories produce harmful gases into the air. It makes our city and sky become grey. And many people cut down trees to make paper, so trees are fewer and fewer. We must do our best to protect our environment.

英语暑假作业U5-6 参考答案


ney 2. voice 3. dropping 4. through 5. moment

enience 7. lock 8. rules 9. batteries 10. on


1. fresh 2. add 3. test 4. formed

5. cookers 6. return 7. electricity 8. quantity


Remember not to leave

It’s not easy

Before you give up

Let’s go to

Don’t , if you want

It’s be

told us not to

May, ask you

must get up

can play

must keep quiet

mustn’t touch


1. salty able 3. replied 4. tidy 5. foolish 6. continued

s 8. experiments 9. chemicals 10. to lock 11. dropped 12. salt

chemicals 14. connected 15. stirring 16. safety 17. change

d 19. identification 20. conditioners

V. 选择填空。

1-5 CDBDA 6-10 CCBDD 11-15 ABABD 16-20 ABBDD 21-25 ADBBB

VI. 完形填空。

1-5 CADCC 6-10 DDBDA


1-5 CDACD 6-10 CBABB

VIII. 以所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话。

1-5 DFECB 6-10 DBFAE


The Pearl River is our mother river. The river was polluted in the past. Now the water in the river is getting cleaner and cleaner. The polluted water from everyday use and factories is kept from the Pearl River. People from Guangzhou began to take part in the activity of swimming across the Pearl River in 2006. Now they swim across the Pearl River every year. They enjoy swimming in it. And we must protect the Pearl River well.

Units 7-8 单元暑假作业答案

I. 1. ordinary 2. feelings 3. shower 4. superman 5. narrow 6. diamond 7. career 8. host 9. decided 10. achieve

II. 1. orders 2. agree 3. rushed 4. smiling 5. groups 6. lively 7. anybody 8. sailing 9. alone lete

III. 1. height 2. seller 3. crowd 4. aloud 5. disagrees 6. advice 7. shooting 8. training 9. lasted s

I. 1. a crowd of 2. have a shower 3. rushed out 4. in the future 5. the beginning of 6. look like 7. not; at all 8. used to 9. was interested in 10. was proud of

II. 1. was worried about 2. go outside 3. newspaper stand 4. grow up 5. More and more 6. in a lively way 7. find out 8. has a good knowledge of

9. go sailing 10. turn off

1. use; to 2. decided to go 3. saw; fighting 4. Let’s plant 5. when 6. spend; learning 7. have much time to have breakfast 8. would like to clean 9. wanted you to solve 10. tries to help 11. gave some good advice to 12. too; to 13. Learning English 14. keep studying

I . 1. be quiet 2. Turn off 3. Don’t eat 4. Let’s play 5. No photos 6. Don’t be late 7. Look out 8. Let’s not

II. 1. What a 2. How 3. What 4. What a 5. What a 6. How 7. What 8. What 9. What 10. What

III. 1. sings 2. goes 3. flew 4. arrived 5. will call 6. came 7. go; goes 8. having 9. worried 10. use 11. didn’t use 12. didn’t use 13. used 14. used 15. use


1-5 AABCB 6-10 AACDB 11-15 CBDAC 16-20 DCDCA


21. poets 22. shooting 23. lively 24. feelings 25. completely




(One possible version)

I am a 13-year-old student. Though I am busy with my study, I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano and surfing the Internet.

My favorite hobby is reading. Reading books can not only kill the time, but also help improve my reading ability. When I read books, I can learn a lot about great people. For example, reading Shakespeare’s works can make me know what Hamlet looks like. When reading Lu Xu, I seem to come back to the old time of China.

Reading really affects my life.


安全方面有很多值得注意的,不以先后顺序为轻重,安全无小事。 近些年来,溺水溺水成为大事。 时刻提醒孩子不要随便在外下水游泳,遇到有人溺水,要及时呼救,让大人来救。

假期是孩子再玩玩耍较多的时候,这种情况下,除了不下水游泳,就是注意交通安全。 不论是在小区还是在大路上,不嬉笑打闹。 除了看红绿灯,听指挥,自己也要观察,确认安全再通行。

假期可能会有一些孩子,自行在家里。 这种情况下,家长要提醒孩子安全用燃气或电源。 如果较小的孩子,家长准备好饮食及居住条件所需的东西。

夏季在饮食卫生方面也是值得注意的,夏季细菌容易滋生,在注意饮食卫生。 勤洗手、洗澡,尽量不要吃剩菜剩饭。 少吃凉拌菜品,瓜果要洗净或去皮。

家长繁忙的,一般会给孩子一些零花钱,让孩子购买零食。 这样的情况,提醒耗子不购买小摊小贩的三无产品,要知道看商品的生产日期和保质期,这样保证自己的安全。

假期孩子自己在家看门的时候,嘱咐孩子不要轻易给陌生人开门。 不十分清楚身份的人,不要随便开门。 如果有人找,孩子知道和大人打电话进行沟通处理。 安全针对每个家庭可能有差异,大人要考虑全面,给孩子讲解。







暑假的时间很长、小朋友要多学习(例如:唱歌、绘画、看书等)、并做到学习与休息相结合、看电视的时间不能太长、不然的话很容易得近视眼。 多帮大人做些力所能及的事、多参加有益的活动、不找大人乱要零花钱、这样容易养成乱花钱的坏习惯、不去网吧或观看_。


夏天的天气很热、也常有雷阵雨、所以小朋友要常看天气预报、出门时要记得带把伞、因为雨伞既可以遮雨、又可以遮太阳。 请不在阳光下曝晒、那样很容易中暑、还要记得多喝水、少吃冰冻食品、养成良好的饮食习惯。




小朋友要懂得识别危险的地带、例如小溪、池塘、水库等地方不能靠近、还要记住有大人的陪同才可以到游泳池去游泳。 并且做到不爬树、不攀越楼梯扶手、走廊栏杆、围墙、确保自已的人身安全。





要爱护公物、爱护花草树木、不乱扔垃圾、不乱打电话(例如:110、120、119等电话更不能乱打、这样做会扰乱警察叔叔的工作)。 并且要与同伴友好相处、不打架、不说粗话、做个懂文明、讲礼貌的好孩子。



在超市等人多的地方要跟紧大人、防走失。 在没有大人的陪同下、不能去离家太远的地方玩、小朋友要和同伴出去玩耍的时候、要先告诉家里人、还记得要准时回家。


