Pete's Sharp Knife简单英语对话短文加翻译

2022-12-06 07:56:40 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

  Pete's Sharp Knife皮特锋利的刀

  Pete was in his kitchen. He was about to slice three green apples. He liked to eat fresh apples with cinnamon sprinkled on them. He opened the blinds so that he could get more sunlight into the kitchen. Now he could see what he was doing.

  皮特在厨房里。 他准备了三个绿色的苹果切片来吃,他喜欢吃新鲜的苹果,并且在上面撒上桂皮香料。 他打开百叶窗,让更多的阳光照进厨房。 现在他可以看到他在做什么。

  He grabbed a knife out of a drawer. It said "Surgical Stainless USA" on the side of the blade. The blade was very thin and light. It had teeth, like a saw. The handle was a brown piece of cheap hollow plastic.

  他从抽屉里拿了一把刀。 在刀片的一边上写着:“美国外科手术专用不锈钢”,它非常薄和轻,还有牙齿,像一个锯子一样。 手柄是一块廉价的中空塑料。

  He had bought this knife about 20 years ago at a county fair. It was one of those knives that were advertised on TV. It could cut through a tomato can, and then cut easily and cleanly through a fresh tomato.

  大约20年前在一个县里的庙会上他买了这把刀,这是那些在电视上登广告的刀具之一。 它可以切开番茄,并且很容易,也很有规律。

  "You never need to sharpen it. The sharp edge is guaranteed for life." That's how they advertised it. And Pete, for once, couldn't argue that the advertisers lied. This was a great knife.

  “你永远不需要磨它。 锋利的边缘是有寿命保障的。 “这就是广告里说的的。 皮特只有这一次,不认为广告在说谎。 这是一把很好的刀。

  But it was also a dangerous knife. A couple of years ago, Pete was careless. He was rapidly slicing a potato and the blade got his finger. The doctor put three stitches in Pete's finger.

  但它也是一个危险的刀。 几年前,皮特很粗心。 他正在迅速地切土豆片,刀片切到了他的手指,医生给皮特的手指缝了三针。

  "Next time, be more careful," the doctor said.

  医生说:“下次小心点。 ”

  No kidding, Pete thought. He was so careful that he didn't use the knife for almost a year.

  别开玩笑了,皮特想。 他几乎一年没用刀了,所以非常小心。
