
2022-12-05 23:35:43 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

  编者按:so这个词有很多种用法,不同的用法有不同的意思。 下面小编给大家分享了有关英语副词so的语法知识,一起来看看吧!

  so,是一个相当活跃的副词。 涉及so的考点众多。 重要的如下:


  such是一个代词,只能接名词,也可单独使用。 例如:

  a1. He is such an honest man as never lies. 他相当诚实,从不撒谎。 (接单数可数名词。 注意冠词a的位置。 )

  a2. Swimming is such fun! 游泳十分有趣。 (接不可数名词。 )

  a3. We regard such methods as unacceptible. 我们认为这些做法不可接受。 (接复数名词。 )

  b. Such is the situation that we have to reconsider our approach. 形势迫使我们重新考虑我们的态度。

  = The situation is such that we have to reconsider our approach.

  so,作为副词,不能单独使用。 其用法如下:

  a. It was so cold outside that his car wouldn't start. 外面天气寒冷,汽车发动不起来。 (接形容词。 )

  b. The speaker spoke so fast that I missed almost all his main point. 讲演 人讲得太快,我差不多没抓住他所有的观点。 (接副词。 )

  c. He is so honest a person as never lies. (接“形容词+冠词+单数名词"。 注意:such+冠词+形容词+单数名词)

  d. The future has in store so many surprises awaiting you. 未来有许多惊喜等着你们。 (接“many /few+复数名词”、或“much /little+单数名词”)


  读表可以看出,so与such在接单数名词的时候,冠词的位置不同。 类似的词还有一组:what与how。

  a. What a lovely day (it is)!

  b. How lovely a day (it is)!

  副词too, that, this, quite用法与so, how相同:

  a. She is quite a beauty.

  b. He is quite the little gentleman.

  c. He bears too bad a reputation.

  d. It's not that big a deal.


  a. It was a rather difficult question.

  b. It was rather difficult a question.

上一篇:六一儿童节英语作文:我的儿童节表演 My Performance on Children’s Day