
2022-12-05 08:38:45 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

  孩子把听到的故事,运用听到的“关键词”串联起来,用故事情节的意境与情景把它们熔铸到一体。 这不就是一篇“无字文章”吗?下面由小编为您介绍动物英语故事小短文,一起来看看吧。


  One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,"This is my breakfast.''

  He comes up to the cock and says,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins to sing.

  he fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox.

  They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.''

  The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.

  一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一只公鸡。 他想:这是我的早餐。

  他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得非常好听,你能唱给我听么?”公鸡很高兴。 他闭上眼睛开始唱歌。

  狐狸看到这些抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了。 在田地里的人们看到了狐狸。

  大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公鸡逃走了。 ”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你叼走了公鸡。 告诉他们这是你的,不是他们的。 ”

  狐狸张开她的嘴说:“公鸡是我的,不是你们的。 ”就在那时,。 公鸡跑到了树底下。


  Baby frogs went on a picnic in the woods. Getting out of the pond for the first time, they sang merrily.

  Then, they found a cow grazing in a field. "Oh, my! What is that?" "It is huge!" All of them wondered what kind of animal it was. "Let's ask Daddy."

  They returned home in a hurry and shouted, "Daddy, we saw a strange animal." "What kind of animal was it?"

  "It had large horns on its head and its body was way bigger than you. Even if we all add up our power, we can not defeat that animal."

  The father was curious what the animal looked like. "Really? Was it bigger than my stomach?" "Yes. Much bigger than that!"

  The father frog blew up his stomach largely, "Well, now, I'm as big as the animal, right?" "No, you are as big as the animal's heel." The father puffed himself up deeply and blew up his stomach enormously.

  "How about now? Am I as big as the animal, huh?" "No, not even." Thinking he could not be outdone, the father frog puffed up his stomach even more.

  The father frog's stomach was blown up as big as he could get. Right at that very moment, the father frog's stomach burst with a bang.

  “小青蛙们在树林里野餐。 这是他们第一次从池塘里出来,他们正在愉快地唱歌。

  突然,他们发现了一头正在牧场上吃草的奶牛。 “哦,天哪!那是什么?好大啊!”他们都很好奇那究竟是什么动物。 “咱们问爸爸吧。 ”

  他们匆匆忙忙地回了家,大声喊道:“爸爸,我们看到了一只奇怪的动物。 ”“什么样的动物啊?”

  “头上有很大的触角,身体比你大得多。 就算我们所有人都加起来,都很难打败它。 ”

  爸爸对他的描述感到很好奇。 “真的吗?它比我的肚子还大吗?”“是啊,可比你的肚子大得多!”

  爸爸使劲鼓起了自己的肚子,“现在呢,现在我和那个动物一样大了,对吧?”“不,你现在也就只有那只动物的脚跟那么大。 ”爸爸气急了,又使劲鼓了股他的肚子。

  “现在呢?现在我和那动物一样大了吧?”“不,还是小。 ”爸爸认为自己不能认输,于是它又深呼吸了一下,肚子又大了一圈。

  就这样他不停地吹气,肚子已经达到极限了。 就在这一瞬间,青蛙爸爸的肚子砰的一声爆炸了。 ”


  Once upon a time, the animals living on the ground and those flying in the sky fought against each other. However, a bat could not take part on either side because he was timid and had no courage.

  When the beasts seemed like winning, the bat went to them and said, "I would like to fight with you." They believed him.

  Yet, the bat began to worry, as the birds started to move ahead. So, the bat went to them and begged, "I am on your side because I am winged, too."

  They pleasantly accepted the bat. "Sure. Since you have wings, you are on our side." The fight between the birds and the beasts continued and the bat went back and forth to the winning side.

  Then one day, peace was made in the woods. The birds and the beasts learned that the bat went hither and thither between them. All the animals determined to expel him. Turned away from both sides, the bat started to live in a dark cave.

  “从前,地上的动物和天上的动物经常打架。 然而,蝙蝠无法参加任何一方的队伍,因为他很胆小,缺乏勇气。

  当野兽快要胜利的时候,蝙蝠赶过去说:“我要跟你并肩战斗。 ”他们相信了蝙蝠。

  然而,鸟儿们占上风的时候,蝙蝠又开始担心。 于是,蝙蝠转而投靠他们恳求道:“我是你们这边,你们看我也有翅膀。 ”

  他们愉快地接受了蝙蝠。 “当然。 既然你有翅膀,你就是我们的战友。 ”鸟儿与野兽的打斗仍然没有停止,蝙蝠来来回回地投靠每次胜利的一方。

  一天,树林里终于迎来了和平。 鸟和野兽得知蝙蝠在他们中间来回地欺骗。 所有的动物都同意驱逐他。 两方的队伍都不欢迎他,于是,蝙蝠开始在黑暗的洞穴里生活。
