3.14(双节日):白色情人节white day+国际数学日Pi Day π节

2022-12-05 07:08:33 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

今天是3月14日是白色情人节。 “白色情人节”最早起源于三世纪时的罗马。 相传罗马皇帝在2月14日救了一对因为原本因违反恋爱结婚禁令而要被处死的恋人,罗马皇帝为了纪念这一天而设立了情人节。 而在一个月后的3月14日,这对获救的恋人宣誓恋情将至死不渝,为纪念这一天,于是另订为白色情人节。

Today is March 14th, the White Valentine's Day, which originates from Rome in the third century. It is said that the Rome empire saved two lovers who disobeyed the ban on love and marriage and should be sentenced to death in 14th,February , and in order to remember this day, the empire set it as the Valentine's Day. One month later in 14th, Marth, the saved couple swore that their love would last forever until their death, so to the memory of this day, the White Valentine's Day was set.


白色在西方国家代表纯洁、清纯、灵性,就像他们结婚要穿白色婚纱。 因为逐渐的流传与发展,“白色”所代表的更是希望与幸福,是对恋人的祝福。

White is regarded as naive, pure, spiritual in European countries, just like Westerners will wear white wedding dress when they get married. Gradually, "white" represents hope and happiness, which is blessing to lovers.



So if you feel it is a pity that you have missed the Valentine's Day in February 14th, then you may as well make up for it on this White Valentine's Day.


而国际数学日π节是为了纪念中国古代数学家祖冲之而设立的节日。 大家都知道,祖冲之提出了圆周率(3.1415926535......)。

The international mathematics festival is an annual festival in honor of the ancient Chinese mathematician zu chongzhi. As you know, zu Chongzhi put forward the pi(3.1415926535......).


2011年,国际数学协会正式宣布,将每年的3月14日设为国际数学节,来源则是中国古代数学家祖冲之的圆周率。 In 2011, the international mathematical association officially declared March 14 as the internationalmathematical festival, which is based on the PI of ancient Chinese mathematician zu chongzhi.
