
2022-12-01 11:37:00 发布:网友投稿 作者:网友投稿

  Susanna是一首非常好听的英文儿歌。 下面为大家分享Susanna儿歌视频,跟着唱起来吧!


  I come from Alabama

  With a banjo on my knee

  I'm going to Louisiana

  My true love for to see

  It rained all night the day I left

  The weather it was dry

  The sun so hot I froze to death

  Susannah don't you cry

  Oh Susannah

  Oh don't you cry for me

  For I come from Alabama

  With a banjo on my knee

  I had a dream the other night

  When everything was still

  I dreamed I saw Susannah dear

  A-coming down the hill

  The buckwheat cake was in her mouth

  The tear was in her eye

  Says I “I'm coming from the south

  Susannah don't you cry”

  Oh Susannah

  Oh don't you cry for me

  For I come from Alabama

  With a banjo on my knee

  Oh Susannah

  Oh don't you cry for me

  For I come from Alabama

  With a banjo on my knee

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